29 : Gone

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(Hopes pov)

I got a call at around 5 this morning and it was Nancy.

She sounded like something was wrong. Like really wrong.

I went outside and started looking around for something to take to her house.

Eddie was sound asleep and, was still gonna go to school because he had detention after school, so I wasn't going to add another day.

I looked across the road to see my dads truck parked in my driveway.

I didn't think he would be home so I climbed in through my bedroom window. I noticed that my closet was open and the duffel bag was hanging out of it.

"Shit. God fucking dammit." I mumbled as I picked it up and shoved it under my bed.

I looked over to my dresser to see my gun was also out. Who the fuck was in here and saw my stuff?

I threw the gun under my bed as well.

This was one of my lives. This one so far was my favorite one. I didn't want to move again.

My mom was a mass murderer in my original town and my dad was an agent in the victim protection program.

His boss told him that we would have to start completely new lives somewhere else. And not to get caught.

Well we failed at that.

Our new life was: a new girl with no record and a good home life. That was when dad fell in love with this woman and told her about everything. She was ok with it and she and dad got married so she became my mom. Having a mom that wasn't a mass murderer was a nice change. And then she died and dad got addicted and abusive.

It was really hard being a completely different person.

There were so many things involved like: fake romance, friends, enemies, pets, family- real family, backstory, secrets, real romance (which wasn't supposed to happen anymore).

It felt horrible lying to Eddie especially when he was the only person I completely trusted since the whole mom murderer thing.

Then I heard footsteps coming to my room.

My dad opened the door and he looked a lot better. He also didn't yell or try to hit me. Even though I was expecting something else, he hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Hope. I've been terrible to you and I- I just hope that one day you can forgive me." He said while crying

"It's ok dad. I understand and, that wasn't you it was the drugs and alcohol taking over and I forgive you." I said

"Better hide that bag before someone sees it." He said pointing to the bag.

"I was working on it." I said going back to the bag.

He left my room and I felt a sort of... relief.

And then I remembered Nancy.

I rushed out of the house and took the truck with me.

I rushed to Nancy's house and when she answered the door, she was crying.

"Whoa, what's wrong Nance?" I asked as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Johnathan just broke up with me! He said it wasn't working and he didn't like me hanging out with you guys." She sobbed

"Oh, it's ok. It's alright. Your better than that douchebag anyways." I said

"Thanks Hope. I think I'm gonna take a break from guys for a while." She said

"Oh ok." I said perfectly fine with that.

Then I saw Eddie's van pull in.

He opened that door with something black in his hand. As he got closer I saw that it was my duffel bag.

He opened the door and let it slam the other side of the wall.

He was mad.

"What's this?" He asked sounding concerned and hurt and mad all at the same time.

"A duffel bag." I said

"With a gun and multiple IDs in it and drivers licenses?!" He asked raising his voice.

I can't tell him but how do I avoid this.

"Yeah?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"Why the hell do you have a gun? Do you not trust your dad that much? Did he hurt you worse than you said? Do I need to kill him?!" He asked yelling at this point.

"What- kill him?! Why would I want you to kill my dad?!" I asked hurt

"Cause he hurts you! Or did you just forget that too?" He yelled

"What are you talking about?" I yelled back.

"I'm talking about you forgetting that I love you, and that if you wanted your dad dead I would do it! And I would kill my sled if I ever hurt you like that. I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He yelled his voice breaking as he held back the tears.

"Eddie-" I started but he cut me off

"I love you Hope. I would take a life for you. I just risked my own by entering a phycos house, while looking for you because I thought that, that monster took you." He said tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Eddie. I should've told you but, my mother- my real mother is a murderer who was after me and my dad. My dad worked for a victim protection program and he made us start over. Then we got caught and we had to start over again and dad found another woman. She got sick and died which lead to my dad being addicted but it wasn't as bad as it seemed. He was abusive but he also saved us. Twice." I explained starting to wrap my arms around Eddie

"You must really take me for an idiot, Hope." He said coldly.

"What?" I asked

"You think your 5 minute story is gonna cover up all the bullshit in that bag." He said starting to walk out the door.

"Eddie wait. Eddie- EDDIE!" I yelled as he just ignored me.

He got in the car and started to drive away.

I looked back and he was gone.

If you all don't like this story, I understand. It got really intense and dramatic really fast but I hope y'all did like it and as always a shoutout to my bestie. <3

The Freak and The New GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora