22 : Home at last

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(Hope pov)

We were at the hospital all weekend and nothing unexpected happened.

The nurse came in the room.

"You're good to go today since you have school tomorrow." The nurse said

"Aww, I have to go back to school." Eddie groaned.

"It won't be that bad Eds." I said

"Jason Carver will be there. So will all of his goons and you know he's already told them rumors about what all happened this spring break." Eddie said

That's true but it can't be too bad... I hope.

"Yeah but you'll just hang out with me and your friends." I said

"Yeah but it'll still suck." He said

"I guess." I said

"As long as everything goes smoothly, you still have to go." The nurse spoke up.

"Ok." I said as the nurse walked out of the room.

Me and Gareth were sitting on Eddie's couch waiting for Wayne to come with Eddie.

"So you wanna watch a movie?" I asked

"Sure." Gareth said

I walked down the hallway into Eddie's room and saw a lunch box with a D&D sticker on it.

Beside it there was a bag. There was writing on it. Special K for Chrissy.

Why would Chrissy need drugs?

I opened the lunchbox and I got an instant smell of weed.

Definitely not a sandwich in there.

I walked back over to his stand to see 'The Shining'. I hope this'll work because I don't know where the other movies are.

"What took you so long?" Gareth asked once I finally came back.

"Nothing I just couldn't find the movie." I said

"Oh yeah, what're we watching?" Gareth asked

"The shining." I said putting the VHS into the slot and slumping back onto the couch.

"I haven't seen this. Have you?" He asked

"Yeah a few times. I always miss something tho." I said

We watched the movie and the credits were playing when the truck pulled in.

I looked outside and saw Eddie getting out of the car.

"They're here!" I said

"It's about time!" Gareth exclaimed

We rushed outside

"HEY LOSER!" Gareth yelled at Eddie.

"ME?! HAVE YOU LOOKED IN THE MIRROR?!" Eddie yelled while laughing.

Eddie walked up to the porch laughing.

"You still feel ok?" I asked seeing Eddie's slight limp

"Yeah I'm fine." He said

"Are you sure?" I was concerned

Why was he limping if he was fine?

"Yeah I'm sure." Eddie said getting slightly annoyed.

"Ok." I said dropping it. I knew he wasn't gonna give in. Especially with Gareth and Wayne here.

Wayne left for work since he had a lot of hours to fill and Gareth because he had to eat dinner.

"Why we're you limping earlier?" I asked with it still very much on my mind.

"I got shot Hope. I'm not gonna be magically healed in 3 days. The nurse said I'd be sore and limping for a few weeks but I should be fine." He said getting annoyed that I was still on the topic.

"I'm worried about you Eds so if you wanna get annoyed because I'm trying to make sure you're ok, go ahead but I'm just trying to look out for you." I said

"I get that but I don't wanna be constantly interrogated because I'm limping. I appreciate it, I really do but can you dial it down a few notches?" He asked.

"Sure." I said

I was just trying to make sure he was ok. I know he wouldn't be perfectly fine but I care about him. I don't wanna see him hurt.

(Eddie pov)

We sat there in silence for what felt like forever.

I know I made her mad but did she think I'd be back to full health in 3 days?

"We have school tomorrow so do you wanna go to bed? We have to wake up early." She finally spoke up

Thank god someone broke the silence. I hated it.

"Sure." I said

She got up and went to walk down the hallway to my room.

I didn't think she would still want me to come with her.

"You coming?" She asked

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute." I said

I replayed everything that happened this spring break.

I met a girl, I started liking the girl, girl comes to my doorstep asking for help, I help her, I have a panic attack, she helps me, we start dating, Jason calls her a wh**e, I beat the shit out of Jason, Jason confronts me, he beats me up, girl helps me, Jason shoots me, girl comes because she cares, she asks questions, I don't answer because we're not alone, she asks again, I answer because we're finally alone, she gets mad, I become guilty.

Here we are.

"Eddie? You ok?" Hope yells from my room

"Yeah I'm coming." I reply.

I walk in and see her going through my drug stash.

"What're you doing?" I ask

"Nothing!" She says jumping back.

I look down at her hand and see the special k bag in her hand.

"What's that?" I ask referencing the bag in her hand.

"Uh... nothing." She says and starts looking around the room for a distraction.

Then her head stops at something on the wall and she instantly starts blushing.

I look in the direction her head is pointing and my eyes land on the handcuffs planted on the wall.

"Wh- why do you have handcuffs on the wall?" She asks

"To fix zippers sweetheart." I say patting her head and walking over to my leather jacket.

I grab the jacket and show her that the zippers are from the handcuff chain.

"Oh." She says. She sounded almost... disappointed.

I walk over to her and grab the special k from her hand.

"Why does Chrissy need drugs." She asked

"I can't tell you. I keep all my customers confidential." I say

"Fine." She said

"It's getting late. We should go to sleep." I said

"Otay!" She said slumping down on the bed.

We laid down on the bed and went to fall asleep.

"Goodnight love." I said almost asleep

"Goodnight." She said as we fell asleep.


Hope y'all liked the part and shoutout to my bestie.

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