7 : The punch

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(Eddie pov)

I sat there in the driveway thinking about what Noah had said.

Did I really just get threatened by a fourteen year old? I think so

I'll admit, I like her... a lot but there's nothing 'going on' with us.

It probably does look that way to Noah tho, us in the same bed, my staring her in the car, her staring at me at the wheeler house.

It does look weird but, there was no chance of something happening. She was the amazing, stunning new girl and, I was the freak, cult leader.

I decided to go home.

I couldn't help but think of what she would say if I did asks her

'Ew no you freak', 'umm sorry Eddie but I don't like you like that', and then the very slim possibility of 'yeah sure, why not'

I pulled inside and I looked at my watch to see that it was 9:30 in the morning at this point.

Uncle Wayne's gonna be back home at noon. The house was a mess and Hopes clothes were still here.

It smelled like weed from my last deal.... I have gotta fix that before Uncle Wayne gets home.

I cleaned up the house, sprayed some air freshener and hid Hopes clothes in my room in one of my dresser drawers.

I decided to make lunch for when uncle Wayne got home so that he didn't have to.

I may or may not have burnt the burger...maybe uncle Wayne will throw it and it'll fly.

At something in this family will sky rocket, rather it be a burnt burger or not...I could adopt it and it could be my burger child.

Uncle Wayne pulls in.

"How was the weekend?" Uncle Wayne asked

"....interesting." I said. I wasn't gonna tell him about Hope and Noah staying.

(Hope pov)

"Hi Nancy! I have so much to tell you." I said.

"Okay we'll we're gonna pick up Robin on our way to the mall but Chrissy couldn't come, family stuff." Nancy explained.

"Oh okay, leave us with the broken one..." I said while trying not to laugh.

"Yeah. Tell me what you wanted to in the car after we pick up Robin tho, so we can both be there." Nancy said

"Yeah, ok no problem." I said.

We got into the car and all I could think about was last night.
We pulled into Robins driveway and she got in the car.

I couldn't wait any longer so before we were even out of the drive way I blurted it out.

"I stayed at Eddie's last night and we watched a movie and ate popcorn and slept in the same bed but not anything more and I'm wearing his clothes and he made me feel safe and I don't know what to do about it!"

I blurted out and they both sat there in shock and stared at me for a minute.

"What? This is big news." Nancy said.

"So I hope your not asking us for guy advice because I like girls and Nancy likes a guy who lives in California and doesn't even know if their still together." Robin said.

"I'm asking you for advice as my friends, who also know Eddie somewhat." I said.

"Just talk to him." Nancy said

"Or trick him into telling you if he likes you." Robin said.

I could choose to talk to him but I probably wouldn't be able to because I would get way to nervous.

We went into the mall and ran into Jason.

"Where's Chrissy?" Jason asked trying to stay calm.

"You guys are over, you don't need to know where she is. It's none of your business." Nancy said.

He looked at me and looked at my clothes.

"Your wearing that freaks clothes aren't you? They look too big to be yours and their the same clothes that I've seen him wear at school before... your with him aren't you? You know, I thought you'd be friends with us but instead you picked 'the clumsy', 'the cheerleader', and the 'I can't decide which boy I want' girls... you really are a freak just like they say... you and Eddie will make a perfect couple 'the freak and the new girl'." Jason said.

He has no right talking about my friends or Eddie like that! Eddies not a freak! My friends are amazing people and he's just a guy who needs something to complain about.

I wasn't gonna let him talk about them that way.


I punched him in face, right at his nose.

His nose started to bleed and he held it.

"I think that bi**h just broke my nose!" Jason yelled.

He walked away and was cussing under his breath the entire time.

Nancy and Robin just stared at me again with huge smiles on their faces.

"YOU JUST PUNCHED JASON CARVER!" Robin said excitedly

"If Eddie was here I'd bet he'd love that. You sticking up for not only us but Eddie too!"

I had a feeling this was gonna backfire and be a big deal but, I decided not to worry about it and to just have fun.


Did you guys like it? I think I know at least one person who did. Shoutout to my biggest fan like always. There will be more parts today.

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