2 : The Wheeler Saviors

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(Hope pov)

Dad comes inside and I signal to Noah to go in his room and hand him my bag as well.
" where is it Hope?!" Dad yells
"Where's what?" I say trying to stay calm
"You took my beer again didn't you?! You little greedy bitch!" Dad yelled getting closer to my face getting ready to hit me again.
I knew there was no getting out of this so I just played along instead of arguing because it always ends the same way. Him mad and hitting me. If I argue he just gets angrier and hits me more.

"Yeah it was me....sorry dad." I said as tho I actually did.

As I was getting prepared for the hit that was inches from landing on my face, somebody else pulled in the driveway. It was a girl driving the car who looked familiar, I think I've seen her at school I just can't think of her name right now. What was it? OH NANCY WHEELER. Mike must be the kid in the passenger seat because he looked just like the kid in the picture of the d&d club that Noah showed me.

Noah ran out of the house and started talking to Mike. Dad backed away from me and sat on the couch and turned on the TV. He acted like nothing happened as usual if he get distracted.

I went to my room to get my makeup bag and then I went to the bathroom to fix my makeup that was now smudged from me crying thinking I was about to get hit before Nancy and Mike came inside. So that nothing looked suspicious.

"Hope this is Mike Wheeler, he's one of the friends I made." Noah introduced Mike to me even tho I had already figured out who he was.

"Nice to meet you Mike, I'm Hope. Noah's older sister." I explained

"Nice to meet you too. This is my older sister Nancy, I think you guys are in the same grade."Mike said

"Yeah we are ice seen her before. I'm actually going to the mall with her, Chrissy and Amara tomorrow if everything goes to plan." Nancy recalled our plans that I had completely forgot about.

If she hadn't come when she did I might not have been able to go. I don't go out into public after dad and I fight. Sometimes I can't cover up everything well enough so I can't risk someone seeing my injuries or asking questions.

" Yeah I'm still going if everyone else is. If that's okay with my dad. I haven't asked yet so I might not be able to come." I explained. I did want to go but if my dad won't let me I don't wanna argue again.

"Yeah it's fine, I guess I can watch Noah." Dad mumbled. Maybe he won't hit me then since I'm going out tomorrow.

"Actually, you won't have to watch me. I was gonna go with Mike to his house and meet the rest of his friends." Noah said and looked over to Mike in a questioning look. I don't think thy talked about them meeting up. Noah probably just didn't wanna be around dad alone...or at all.

I can't blame him tho, I wouldn't either.

"Yeah that's a good idea I have... another business meeting." Dad mumbled under his breath.

He didn't have a business meeting. He had an appointment with his rehab group.

I think Nancy started to feel the tension between my dad and me and Noah.

"We we're actually gonna leave pretty early to get breakfast before we went to the mall so I was wondering if Hope and Noah could stay the night at our house. If it's okay with you, Mr. Sage." Nancy asked our dad.

Thank god for Nancy Wheeler. Now if only dad would say yes this spring break might not be that bad.

"Sure doesn't change my plans any." Dad said.

Me and Noah looked at each other while trying to to start jumping around in excitement. We haven't had a sleepover in about a year and a half. Mom died from lung cancer and she had been fighting it for a while. We've been taking care of her so much we haven't really had time to have fun.

"Thanks dad." We both said at the same time.

We walked to our rooms and packed our bags.

I packed a black shirt with Iron Maiden on it. I knew that not a lot of people likes Iron Maiden but I did. I also packed a pair of ripped jeans and a light denim jacket. I packed my combat boots for tomorrow and a pair of sweat pants and on of my moms shirts for pjs. Then I grabbed my makeup bag, toothbrush, and deodorant.


I know that Nancy isn't in school anymore but it's figured Hope must've seen Nancy at least a little so that a random stranger wasn't inviting her over to her house. I'm sorry that Eddie isn't even in the story yet but it's coming soon I promise I just have to set the scene. I hope you guys like it.

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