19 : Hospital

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(Hope pov)

"What happened?! Wayne is he ok? IS EDDIE OK?!" I asked getting more and more concerned.

"Not really... it's bad. If I tell you what happened, you have to promise not to freak out. Eddie needs you and you won't be of much help if your panicking." Wayne says his voice getting shaky.

"Ok. I promise not to freak out just tell me what happened." I said trying not to cry knowing something is seriously wrong with Eddie.

"Jason came back. Apparently something happened to Chrissy and Jason thought Eddie did it.... He knocked on the door and Eddie opened the door not knowing it was Jason and... Jason he- uh- he had a gun and..." Wayne trailed off

I knew what had happened.

"W- wait what?" I said in complete shock

"He's alive but he's not doing well. He's been asking for you the entire time. The doctors said they will have to do surgery to get the bullet out but he refuses to go before he sees you. The bullet wasn't close enough to his heart to do any serious damage but it's not gonna end well if he doesn't get the bullet out." Wayne said

"I'm on my way, tell Eddie I'm coming." I said

"Nancy I'm sorry b- but I- I- need a ride. Eddie needs me." I said

"Umm ok, is everything ok?" She asked

"No nothing about this is ok. I'll fill you in on the way but we need to go to the hospital. We need to go now." I said

I drug her down the stairs and she grabbed the keys off of the table.

She started the car and she started driving.

She was driving so slow, I was used to Eddie's driving. He drove like a maniac but I was used to it by now.

"Let me drive." I said

"What?" She asked

"My boyfriend is sitting in a hospital bed possibly bleeding out arguing with doctors who are trying to save him all because I'm not there. Even if he doesn't make it... I need to be there for him. I can't lose him and if I'm the reason he dies I won't be able to live with myself. So. Let. Me. Drive." I rambled.

She opened her door and went to the passenger side.

I climbed over the middle console to the driver seat and as soon as she got in the seat and buckled up I took off.

We were there in minutes.

"Do you wanna come? If not you can go home and I will stay here." I said.

"I'll stay, just in case you need something." She said

"Ok." I said and ran into the hospital with Nancy following close behind

I found the receptionist

"I'm here for Eddi- Edward Munson." I said

"Name and relation of patient." She said

"Hope Sage. In his girlfriend. I'm the one he's been asking for." I said talking fast

" floor 2, room 316." She said

"Ok thanks." I said running to the elevator.

I pressed the up button and the elevator felt like it was taking forever.

"Come on. Come on. COME ON YOU STUPID ELEVATOR!" I said hitting the door.

The elevator finally opened

I ran into the elevator and pressed the 2 button.

It dinged and the elevator started going up.

"Hey, are you ok? With everything going on." She said

"I guess, I'm ok as someone in my situation could be." I said as the elevator door opened.

I ran down the hall looking for '316'.

Then I saw Wayne. He looked.. rough.

I probably did to.

I hugged Wayne and then I saw Eddie sitting in a hospital bed. His face looked normal except being pale.

I ran up to him and he immediately wrapped his arms around me.

I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. I started crying uncontrollably.

"I'm so glad you're ok. I don't know what I would've done without you." I said in between my sobs.

"It's ok... I'm ok." He said trying to calm me down.

" ok." I said letting go of him.

" ya know, with your makeup like that you would fit in to corroded coffin perfectly." He said laughing.

He was joking right now. Really?

"When are they taking you to surgery?" I said

"In like a half an hour." He said

That scared me. What if something happened? What if he didn't make it?

Eddie noticed me getting worried.

"Hey. It's ok. I'll be fine." He said

"You can't promise me that. You might not be fine.... I could lose you Eds." I said trying not to cry again

"I can't lose you." I mumbled

"You won't." He said reassuring me

"Ok." I gave in.

We had been talking for a while.

I started to kinda calm down... not really I was just acting like it.

"Wanna get some chips and drinks and stuff for me?" Eddie asked

"You know your not supposed to eat or drink anything before surgery Eds." I said trying to convince him not to get chips.

" when have the simple rules of society ever stopped me?" He asked jokingly.

"Fine I will get you chips... but you can only have them after surgery. Ok?" I asked

"Fine." He groaned

"Ok." I said as I walked out the room with Nancy following me.

We were in the elevator now

"You ok? You seem fine but I have no idea how your holding it together." Nancy said

"I'm not fine at all but I'm holding it together for Eddie. He's been through enough for one night and me being stressed out isn't gonna be any good for him." I said

We got the chips and went back to the elevator.

We got back to the room and the doctor was there.

"We're gonna take him back to surgery now. It's a simple process so it should be fine." The nurse said

"Oh, ok." I said walking over to Eddie.

"I love you Eds. I will always love you. No matter what." I said hugging him as the doctors wheeler him to the surgery room.


I hope you all liked the part and as always a shoutout to my bestie.

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