At first the two were upset as they heard about Xiaolung and knew that he was good-looking, but their expressions were soon replaced by happiness after seeing one of the executives of the second affiliate, Tengu.

In Japanese folklore, Tengu are a type of mischievous supernatural being, sometimes considered the reincarnated spirit of one who was proud and arrogant in life.

Despite the meaning of this, anyone could find [Name] attractive without even having to see his face.

"Hey, hey, he's here, look!" The woman whispered to the other while tapping her shoulder to get her attention.

The two women were looking at [Name], who was walking together with Nomen, another executive, in the casino.

"Oh my god, I could literally look at him for six hours straight. I wanna see his face so bad." The other woman pouted.

"Why do you have so many followers? Are they your girlfriends? You're such a player, Tengu. But it kinda turns me on." Ryuhei commented while walking alongside [Name], looking at [Name]'s profile on social media.

"They're not my girlfriends, though. I have no idea why they follow me." [Name] replied, continuing to read his book.

Because [Name]'s eyes were on his book, he didn't notice one of the women from just now trying to spill a drink on his clothes and making it look like an accident.

By the time [Name] noticed the woman, it was too late. The wine was already spilled onto his chest.

"I'm sorry, sir! I wasn't watching where I was going!" The woman apologised, pulling out a handkerchief and trying to wipe it off his chest.

She then smirked at the other woman, who was frowning at her.

"Uh.. It's fine." [Name] sweatdropped at the woman, as clothes were made out of fabric, and wiping it off wouldn't do any good.

Ryuhei's eye twitched at the woman's actions. "Give me." Ryuhei took the handkerchief from the woman and did it.

"I think you'd have to change into another suit, Tengu." Ryuhei said to [Name].

"Well, I guess that's fine with me. I don't wanna walk around looking like that."

"Alright then, you go, I'll wait here!" Ryuhei smiled, lightly pushing [Name] out of the casino before turning back to the woman, clearly startled by the aura Ryuhei was giving out.

"Alright then, you go, I'll wait here!" Ryuhei smiled, lightly pushing [Name] out of the casino before turning back to the woman, clearly startled by the aura Ryuhei was giving out

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"Alright, I'm back." [Name] walked back to Ryuhei while sipping his apple juice from a straw.

The woman was still standing there, in front of Ryuhei. "Oh, and you. Please do pay attention to your surroundings next time." [Name] reminded the woman.

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