Truth can 0nly be Secrets

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You two stand there in your room, his arms around you, your head on his shoulder. When he finally pulls away, he stares straight into your eyes. "(your name), I know something's wrong. You can tell me anything." His silk-like voice grew even softer, sadder, "Trust me. Please?"
"I- I've killed so many people..." you whimpered.
He sits on the bed, then pats next to him as a signal for you to sit beside him. You do as he quietly instructed, "we've all killed people." Masky grew silent for a while. "It's just something we have to do to survive now."
"But I don't want to hurt anybody."
Masky sighs, "None of us do, but that's why we have each other. We all feel guilty sometimes."
His words gave you the courage to open up to him about everything you remember, from the moment you reawakened until when you saw him in the doorway. He nods at a couple parts, not seeming to be angry as the 0perat0r had warned. Instead, the eyes peeking through his mask looked understanding.
"(your name), I've tried to desert many times."
That took you off guard. "You have?" you ask.
"Yeah, I had a friend," he sounded kind of sad, "named Jay. He was going to be one of us, but his curiosity got in the way." He lets out another sigh. "Eventually, I couldn't keep protecting him."
"Sorry, I..." you start.
"It's alright" he almost whispered, "Hoodie tried to leave once too."
"What about Toby?"
"Never. Nor does he know about our desertion attempts."
You nod slowly.
He leans into your ear, making you blush like mad, and whispers, "This has always been our secret from Toby, if you tell him," you hear Masky chuckle, "I'll have to punish you." You knew exactly what he meant by punish.
"I'll keep it a secret," you respond quickly, your whole face turning so hot it felt like you were going to implode — he lets out a laugh.
"I'm just kidding, (your name). But really, Toby is never to know."

When you find him, Masky is sitting under one of the big maple trees just outside the mansion, leaning his back against the trunk. He's smoking a cigarette, probably his tenth one of the day, and staring into the endless sea of trees and greenery. You take a seat beside him and your eyes meet. It's not very often that you get to see one another without your proxy masks. You gaze at his handsome face; his pretty eyes, full lips, beautiful tan skin.
"I'm worried about Jay," he says, staring back off into the distance. "He threw away the Skully mask, he's refusing to accept the 0perat0r's guidance."
"Maybe he doesn't need it," you answer.
"Yeah, but waving that camera around is gonna get him killed. I need to protect him, it's just difficult to warn him after the memory loss."
"Boss gets mad when you leave."
"I know, but I'm always going to come back," he smiles. "I can't ever forget to return to you."

A Past Well Forgotten (Masky X [NONGENDERED] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now