0ur Fav0urite Sp0t

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Wandering through the house again, you find the front door. Everything in the house is just so damn ugly, you thought to yourself, except my room.
You open up the giant wooden front door and walk down the steps into the yard. It wasn't a lawn, but rather a field of random weeds and grasses. It was as if this house just fell right from the sky and landed on an open patch of woods.  You have very few returning memories of this place, so you recognize nothing. Almost nothing, you recognize the tree that you and Masky had sat under.
You walk over to it, hoping to spark more recollection and possibly run into Masky again. Out of the three proxies, you felt as though he understood you the most right now. You sit at the foot of the tree, leaning your back against the trunk, and stare off into the forest.
The forest was full of life; squirrels and birds dance around the field and rustle the branches of the trees, the clouds were big and fluffy, and the air was the perfect temperature to be outside. Just barely in view, a deer is silently grazing in the distance.
You take a deep breath and relax a bit. You've been thrown to stressful situation after stressful situation since you woke up. It felt nice to let nature's tranquility ease your mind...

"Do you want one?" He offered, holding up the box.
"Absolutely not," you reply. "I don't care if Boss makes us immortal, I am not sucking cancer out of a stick."
Masky laughs. "Fair enough."
His smile fades after a moment, and you can tell from his eyes that something is wrong. He takes another puff and sighs on exhale.
"I know you only smoke this much when something's bothering you," you say. "What's wrong?"

You wake to the smell of cigarette smoke. You wave your hand in front of your nose and sit up. You're not sitting alone under the tree anymore, a white mask lay next to you on the ground.
"Are your memories back already, (your name)?" Masky asks, taking another puff from his cigarette.
"Not all of them," you respond, "a few".
"So you found this tree by accident?"
"No, I was looking for you."
Masky looked at you in surprise.
"I remember talking to you here," you continue.
He smiles. "We talk all the time here. You always find me when I need you."
" I think I need you this time."

A Past Well Forgotten (Masky X [NONGENDERED] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now