L0st and H0me

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The 0perat0r hands you a mask, which he tells you was yours, and gestures towards the door. Hesitantly, you put the mask on and creep out of the room. Trying to remember your way back to the sterile-looking "living room", you quickly find yourself lost.

Up the stairs

Turn left

Now right

Right again

You've approached a door. It's painted (favorite color), which is almost eye-soring against the endless white of the rest of the house. You decide to explore it. You slowly push open the door and sneak inside. As you enter, you almost faint.
(Choice fandom) posters are tacked all over the (favorite color) walls. A circular bed is positioned in the far corner, decorated with a (favorite band) blanket and all the pillows and stuffed animals you could ever dream of. (Hobby) is set up at the foot of the bed, as if the inhabitant just reached off the side and picked (hobby) up to use it. It's like heaven on Earth. This must be your room. There's no possible explanation other than that.
In another corner had a desk with a computer, the screen focused through a camera on the limb body you woke up next to, still grotesquely laying there. A tear came to your eye at the disturbing image. You flick over to the next camera. It calms you down a slight bit to see just empty forest in this camera, but that picture stays in your head.
"(Your name)?" a voice asks from behind you. You turn slowly turn to see Masky standing in the doorway. "(your name), are you crying?" he stares at you, wide-eyed, through the eye-holes of his mask. He walks over to you and pulls you into a hug.

Masky reached out and grabbed your hand, "(your name)" he said gently. "I want to leave here with you. Just the two of us. I- " You pull your hand away and leave the room. He seemed to like you, but you wanted nothing to do with him. You left him there, he was heartbroken...

The flashback fades back into reality. You don't quite understand why he's hugging you. Your first instinct is to pull him away from you — you realize you could pull him away from you, but you didn't want to. Instead you rest your head on his shoulder. He jumps slightly, as if in surprise.

"(your name)..." he almost whispers.

A Past Well Forgotten (Masky X [NONGENDERED] Reader)Where stories live. Discover now