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Author's POV
As Philip had a long chat with how two bestfriends, Malay suddenly asks "Hey uhh Phil? "
"Hm? " Philip replied "Uhh I was wondering if you already picked a house. " said Indo. Philip said that he didn't picked a house yet as he said that both of his friends eyes sparkle in excitement. "You should live next to us!! " said Malay, earning a slightly tilted head with a face of confusion from Philip.

After picking the house witch is indeed next to Indo and Malay house, Indo and Malay left Philip to go back to their house and without a moment to spare Philip started to get the his luggage and started to unpack.

After finishing everything it was dawn already so he started to make dinner.

Phil's POV
As I finished doing chores and unpacking my stuff I noticed it's night time already, so I started to make dinner humming a tune. 'I wonder what I should make tonight' I thought and I decided to make adobo manok because why not.

I finished my cooking and setting up the table and prepared some extra plates, * Ding, Dong*
The bell rang 'I knew it' I went towards the door and opened it to see all Asean's and ASEAN himself. "Uhm phil. " said Malay while fiddling his hoodie "Can we uhm......eat your cooking?? " continued by Brunei I chukled in response, "of course I have more than myself anyway soake yourself at home" I gestured my hand wellcoming everyone in. And there faces brighten up so much like little kids, oh how cute that is.

Singa's POV
I was doing what I do always work, coffee, work, work, then sleep. Suddenly someone knocked on the door I was expecting more papers so I rubbed my eyes and placed back my glasses and said
" *𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘩* come in" u said ok in a grongy tone and they entered, I looked up towards the sound and saw Malay, Indo, and Brunei 'wow so malphilindo is breaking up now' I sat up right and. Malay said "Singa, you need some rest man. " I furrowed my (non existent) brows "so who is going to so all this? " I giggled while I said that. Then Brunei response "well Phil is here and-" I stood up and my cup of coffee fell to the floor "re-really?! " I sweat dropped as Indo hooded in response 'oh god please help me'.

I started to panic because if Phil saw me not sleeping for days he definitely knocked me out to rest, he even might insist to put me in a coma. As chills went down my spine thinking how Phil would punish me from not sleeping thankfully though I slept in two days so mg eye bags are not they big. Brunei tapped my shoulder and said " we're going to Phils house in three hours so you can sleep in two hours and get ready in an hour" to reassure me I sigh in response as I nodded. After they left I fixed my room to make it clean and went to my other room to meet a huge bed to sleep on and I did.

Author's POV
After three hours everyone meet up in the middle of the city waiting for one more person "God he was the one who told us to go at Philip's place in 3 hours" Laos as tapping his feet in impatience.
"I'm here" said ASEAN while panting "woah are you okay papa ASEAN?? " said Vietnam.

𝙋𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 (≧∇≦)/

Phils POV
As they went inside I closed the door and went to the kitchen.
Bringing the pot to the table, and happy seeing my friends

And that's for this chapter I'm sorry if it's to short ect!!
I will see you next time ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ

Am i Just weird?? (𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat