"It was great, he was so sweet and romantic," she chirped happily. I chuckled.

"That's great, I want to hear all about it," I said, completely interested.

"Uh, can you save the girl talk for later?" Brett said awkwardly. I turned to him.

"Yeah babe," I said shrugging.

"Good," Brett said, smiling at me and squeezing my shoulders. I smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him.

"I guess I'll tell you later," Kathy said and I pulled back to look at her waking out of the room. I pulled away and Brett chuckled.

"So are we going to lunch or not?" I teased as I leaned in close enough so our nose's touched.

"Of course, baby," he replied with a huge grin. I pushed myself off of the couch before I could get dragged back to my bedroom and my stomach felt a little queasy as I felt dizzy and small black dots danced around the edges of my eyes. I steadied myself on Brett who had also gotten up.

"You okay?" he asked, worry thick in his voice. I nodded just as I felt fine again at his touch. "Maybe we should stay home..." I groaned.

"Honey, I want to go out with you, I just stood up too fast," I said quickly. I wanted every opportunity to show off Brett on public, showing everyone he was mine.

"No, Beth, we really should stay home," he said, his mind made up. "You were sick this morning too."

"But I wanted to go out with you," I replied in a sad voice, giving him my puppy dog face and looking at him through my eyelashes.

"Baby, you know that always works on me," he said quietly, brushing hair from my face tenderly and tucking it behind my hair. My skin burned where he touched it, but in a good way. "But, we really are staying home. I want you to get better."

"I am better," I groaned, but knew it was hopeless. If the puppy dog face didn't work, nothing would.

"Let's get you some water, and then we can find something on tv." After I was given a glass of water and we were comfortable, we found a movie to watch. We lounged around the house all day, and had another night in, along with another pleasing shower.


The next day I threw up again at six in the morning, but thankfully Brett was still asleep and didn't wake up. After I'd wretched up all that was in my stomach, I carefully and quietly slipped back into bed.

Brett subconsciously adjusted his arms to wrap around me. Even as he slept, sparks of electricity coursed through my veins from our touch. I smiled as I rested my head against his chest, closing my eyes and falling back asleep.

When I woke up properly around ten thirty, Brett was sitting next to me on the bed holding breakfast.

"Hey," I said groggily, my voice thick with sleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I made you breakfast," he said eagerly with a huge grin on his face, placing a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon on my lap. I smiled back at him, the food looked really good.

"Thanks," I said, digging in when he gave me utensils. After we'd both eaten, I got out of the bed slowly, so I wouldn't get dizzy again and then Brett would know I was still sick. I walked to the bathroom for a shower as Brett gathered the dirty dishes and left the room.

After a long hot shower, I got out and towel dried my hair, leaving it wavy.

I went to my dresser and put on a flowy yellow sundress, feeling really happy. I skipped out to the kitchen and found Brett leaning against the counter, drinking a glass of water.

"Hey baby," he said, smiling his beautiful smile as I skipped over to him.

"Hello," I chirped as I pecked him on the cheek and skipped to the fridge to get some orange juice.

"You look happy today," he noted.

"Why yes I am," I replied, pouring some juice for myself. "I'm with my amazing boyfriend." I smiled at him as I put the juice back and skipped back to his side. He pulled me into a hug and the warmth of his skin immediately made me feel ten times happier, if that was possible, as electricity coursed through my body.

"I love you," Brett said as he rested his chin on top of my head. I smiled and buried my face in his chest, breathing in the smell of the ocean.

"I love you, too," I mumbled into his chest. He stroked my hair as I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his body pressed against mine. I wished it would have been that moment forever, but of course it couldn't be.


Author's Note: Sorry for the delay!!! I didn't have ANY time to write! Finally finished my homework today with time to spare, so I figured I should upload something. I was going to make it really really long but I didn't have time for that!/: so its better than nothing, eh??

<3 you guys!! Thnks for reading!!!!

To Be Mine (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora