Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

My eyes flickered between him, the girl, and their intertwined hands slowly as my brain tried to process the scene. Brett’s nose wrinkled, every guy’s reaction to the ‘girly’ smell of the store. My mind couldn’t comprehend this…usually I wouldn’t be able to stop the questions flooding my head, but there were none.

I merely stood there frozen, my credit card still mid-swipe, my body half turned towards the front of the store and my gaze moving around. Brett’s eyes met mine for a second, as I noticed his blue eyes were ice cold, before quickly looking away.

He’d seen me. That I was sure of.

Kathy cleared her throat, snapping me out of my temporary paralysis. Apparently she hadn’t noticed Brett yet, or she would be ripping his throat out for me. I looked at my card, and pulled it out, swiping it again. I had to act normal so she wouldn’t notice him, then end up murdering him.

“Sorry, I zoned out,” I muttered, a total lie. I wouldn’t have been able to move if I’d wanted to.

“Okay,” Kathy said. The lady behind the counter grabbed my receipt, putting it in my small bag and handed it to me. I took it, thanking her, as I walked over to Ali to wait. I looked away from my friends as a tear rolled down my cheek, which I quickly wiped away.

I heard Brett and the girl talking, but I was in no mood to listen to their words. I realized I needed to get out of there before I completely broke down.

“Hey, Kathy, will you take my bags real quick? I need to get something from the car,” I said quickly as I turned to her and shoved the few bags in her hands.

“Uh, sure,” she said as she took them.

I turned towards the door, where Brett and the girl were still standing close by. I swiftly walked out, but I accidentally gently brushed against Brett’s shoulder. I felt an electric shock through my clothes, so electric I couldn’t ignore it.

I hissed as I walked out of the store and walked down the street. I needed to get out of there….Without thinking, I started running. Where to? I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that I needed to leave.


Brett’s POV

I interlaced my hand through Heather’s, feeling a pang in my chest. I ignored it, figuring I had just developed feelings for her again.

“I’m hungry,” Heather whined. I looked into her green eyes that sparkled with lust for me as she gave me her puppy dog face.

“Sure, babe,” I said, another pang.

What is wrong with me? I thought.

Heather dragged me to a restaurant, but I didn’t bother looking at the name of it. I looked around the inside, and concluded she’d picked the Hard Rock Café. I was fine with that.

“Two,” I said to the hostess. She raked her eyes over my body, but I was used to it. She looked like she was in her early twenties, probably working there to pay for college. She looked like one of the girls I would have played, but that was the old me. Beth changed me. 

Gah, there’s that freaking pang again! What the hell was wrong with me?!

“Baby, what do you want?” Heather asked me, looking at her menu. I realized I’d unconsciously sat down and I looked at the menu in my hands.

“Not sure,” I replied.

“Well, decide then! Bloody hell,” Heather exclaimed in her British accent. That was always a turn on, but she was being demanding and bossy at the moment. I could tell her patience was running low. 

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