Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I opened my eyes and the sun was blinding. I still felt Brett under my head.

“Brett?” I said groggily.

“Yeah beautiful?” he said.

“What time is it?”


I sat up and stretched. My back popped from sleeping on the ground, and my body ached all over.

“I need to go,” I said. Brett propped himself up on his elbows.

“Why?” he asked. I leaned over, kissed him, and stood up.

“I’m supposed to sketch the beach with Kathy at eight.” I put my flip flops on and tried to fix my hair a little.

“You look fine, honey,” Brett said, grinning.

“Hmm, like the view I take it?” Brett stood up and started gathering the blanket, while I put everything back in the picnic basket.

Brett set down the blanket and pulled me close.

“I’d say it’s pretty nice, getting to see my sexy girlfriend have adorable bed head.” He leaned down and kissed me. I looked at him and thought how lucky I was to have him. He was really great. Better than any other guy I’d met before. I locked my hands in his hair and kissed him. After a couple seconds, he pulled back and I decided that I really did need to go.

“Well, bye,” I said as I grabbed my phone from the picnic basket.

“Let’s have dinner tomorrow,” Brett said as he picked up the blanket.

“I don’t think I’ll want to sleep on the ground again…” I said playfully.

“Okay, lunch. Anything.”


He walked me back to the beach house, hand in hand. We kissed goodbye and I headed inside to take a shower before I went to the beach with Kathy.


After I’d taken a shower, I pulled on some light wash jean capris and a plain white v neck, straightening my hair. I ate a bowl of cereal and pulled on white flip flops as it was eight already.

Kathy and I walked to the perfect spot for sketching the horizon. I had brought my water colors, but Kathy just sketched and shaded.

“I can’t stop thinking about Brett,” I said once we found a magnificent view.

“Obsessed much?” Kathy said, joking.

“No, he’s just really great. I didn’t know I would find someone as great as him while we are here,” I said.

“You know…” Kathy started, then stopped short. “Never mind.”


“Just, never mind.”

I wondered what Kathy was going to say as I painted the beautiful beach scene before me. I still couldn’t stop thinking about Brett.


Another week passed by, and I wished for the days to magically become longer so I could be with Brett. I only had four weeks left with him. 

That night he was alone at his house, and for the next two nights. He insisted that I stay over, because his family went to New York to visit relatives, but Brett stayed for me. I told him I would, but my parents told me we had to sleep in separate rooms. I already knew that, of course. 

To Be Mine (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora