Masseuse: I don't know... Trudian seems quite skilled. People did say she's on the way to surpassing you.

Yn: People simply wanted another Nexer. An ace pilot who could do the impossible.

Yn: If you look back on history, you'll see why.

Yn: Tony Nexstar... Or the origins of my middle name, Yn Direx.

Yn: History adores these people. And they adore me because of it.

Yn: They believe when the next evil to threaten them comes around, I'll gain a mighty Gear, and save the day.

Yn: Repeating the past. Making the next fairy tale for the next generation.

Masseuse: That's pretty deep... How do you know Mira isn't the one the people adore now?

Yn: She has trouble with my little sister. A complete newbie.

Yn: There's no hope for her to come close to me this year. And what I've seen...

Yn: As she is now, there isn't any hope for improvement.

Masseuse: Ouch. That bad?


Masseuse: You mentioned your sister. What do you think of her?

Yn: I would like her to be more independent. With her intelligence, she could go a lot farther if she was.

Masseuse: Hm...

Masseuse:... Okay, I think we're done. No matter what I do you're just stiff.

Yn:(cracks neck)

Yn: I know.

Masseuse: Did you even feel anything?

Yn: Not what I should have.

Masseuse: Why didn't you say anything then?

Yn: You wouldn't have gotten anything for your broadcast.

Masseuse: M-my broadcast...

Walking up to a shelf, Yn pulls out a camera, throwing it to the Masseuse.

Masseuse: How long did you know?

Yn: The whole time.

Masseuse: B-But you said all those-

Yn: I know.

Masseuse: And... Y-You, don't care?

Yn: Care? About what?

Masseuse: With the things you said... I'm pretty sure you ticked off a lot of people.

Tony: Oh boy...

Yn: Ah... Do you think it matters what the inferior think?

Yn: If I offended someone... Made someone mad... And they want to gun for my head.

Yn: Perfect. I'll not need to chase them down to crush them if they just walk into the palm of my hand.

Masseuse: You want people coming after you?!

Yn: Of course! Why else do you think I announced that I would win every game!?

Yn: It was me showing mercy. Letting them come to terms with the results early.

Yn: Now, it's time the music plays on their tragic deaths.

Yn: To those who still want to struggle... Let me show you your future...

At the camera, he points a finger gun.

Yn: Bang.

He walks away, laughing hysterically as he does.

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