She opted for the tactic of bargaining. "What's in it for me if I answer the question?"

"I haven't arrested you," he bit out, clearly losing patience.

Right. Because she wasn't supposed to be in this room.

Running her tongue over her teeth, she relented, "We were just talking."

"Nothing else?" Skepticism decorated his features amongst all the sexy anger.

Wait a sec. Was her dark angel displaying glorious symptoms of jealousy?

Her insides went ballistic, the butterflies suddenly transforming into dragonflies. Of course. Her and Kaede alone in the newly banned dorm wing. He probably thought they had met up to make out on forbidden territory. That was totally something up her alley.

She almost wanted to blurt out that the fledgling had manhandled her into the room but she refrained. After all, she wasn't obligated to tell him every single detail.

And okay, yeah, maybe she was also a teeny bit peeved that he thought there was no way she would simply talk to Kaede and nothing more. As if she was a no good, fornicating angel that couldn't resist spreading her legs.

This time she took a daring step closer. "Let's say there was something else. What's it to you, baby cakes?"

Let's be real. Lav was expecting an excuse. Or some blatant avoidance of the question. That's what guys did, no matter what species. It was whatever. She was used to it. So when Obsidian's eyes darkened and a scowl took over, she chose to focus on how deliciously gorgeous he was in an effort to brace herself for whatever embarrassing memory he was going to leave her with this time.

"I didn't like seeing him near you." He closed the distance between them in a flash, looming over her, "Not to mention I specifically told you that this dorm wing was off limits."

Well, well, well. He didn't like seeing Kaede near her? This might be something she could work with. She offered a flirtatious smile. "But I came here because I was hoping to see you again."

Those silver eyes searched her face intently. What are you looking for? She wanted more than the deep stares he extended. Touch me.

"You're lying."

"Am not!"

"I'm not your friend, Lavender. Remember who you're speaking to."

"Glad we're on the same page with that because I don't want to be friends." She purposely glanced at his lips, licking her own.

For a millisecond, a flame ignited in his irises. It blazed out immediately as he blinked and she leaned in, wondering if what she'd seen was true.

"Behave." He growled lowly but made no move to jerk away. This was the second time he'd told her to behave. As if she would do just that from his instruction alone. Ha, you got another thing coming, babe.

Lav peered up at him through her lashes. Hell, she loved how tall he was. A giant of darkness and wings. Now where had that fiery burst in his eyes disappeared to and how?

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