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Her dark angel left her to the wolves. Again.

To be more specific, he flew off - confiscating her swords in the process - like dealing with her was something below his pay grade. Not that angels got paid. Which was a total scam in Lav's opinion; she'd seen enough movies to know free labor when she saw it.

She even mentioned it during her interrogation session with a stony female angel that didn't particularly care for anything except details from the demon attack and questioning Lav like she was personally responsible for everything that happened. Couldn't they see she was the victim?

Fledglings really got the shittiest rep.

On the bright side, her injured ankle healed up flawlessly. It took three days but the skin was smooth and good as new. Maybe it was silly, but she kept waiting for Obsidian to show up. Not for her sake - although a girl could secretly hope - but to check in with the other Guards. Because they never left the academy.

It was a weird and unwelcome reminder of how dark things were getting. Just remembering the faceless monster that had come close to eating her made her insides twist. She had escaped that fate. She still didn't know what type of demon it was or how she'd gone so fearlessly against it. However, the wings it had sprouted...

They had been the same cocoa colored feathers that Synth clasped in her hand that night.

Feathers from an angel's wings.

Rumors spread all over the academy and the gist was that the demon was a shapeshifter that had eaten the wings of a fledgling named Genevieve. She was dead.  And now a demon had her wings, although they were no longer majestic. No, the wings were vile and horrific now.

Lav had witnessed it firsthand. No matter how much she wanted to forget, the image of those tainted wings was seared into her brain.

She hadn't actually known Genevieve but she remembered seeing her around. Flashes of rich mahogany hair and porcelain skin. Her chest felt strangely empty at the loss of this girl she hadn't known; this girl who never got to see a full century of existence and more.

All because demons had been welcomed to the academy. The biggest threat that could take place in the angel realm.

Elite Guards had been posted at the entrance and roamed the halls of each floor in intervals. The influx of cold angels had everyone on edge, more so than the skies that remained murky and foreboding despite the time that continued to pass.

Athena called it the perpetual gloom of doom. Dubbed the PGD for time-saving purposes.

Ever since the dawn of the PGD, Lav had lost her room. Actually, she'd lost her whole dorm wing thanks to Obsidian's orders and some demonic cloud of smoke. She was now residing in the south wing, which had a good side and a bad side.

The good side: it was the supposedly haunted part of the academy.

The bad side: Kaede lived there.

"I bet no one would notice if you stayed with me." Athena mused from the floor of her bedroom as she finished painting her toes a glittery sapphire. She leaned back on her elbows, spreading her legs wide and admiring her work with a wiggle of her toes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Lav." Ellra sat up from the bed, tossing aside the nude magazine she was reading. "I overheard a couple of Guards on the way here and they've got it out for Athena."

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