2 (Meeting you)

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At night
It was 10.50 when Baekhyun was already at the Exotic bar. The gate wasn't open yet but there was a really big crowd waiting outside.

"He IS famous now huh!" Baekhyun chuckled to himself, watching the crowd. It didn't look like only 100 people though.

"May be some of them will just wait here to see a glimpse of him." Baekhyun murmured to himself. He was quite amazed by the scene. He didn't thought that Chanyeol will be this much famous someday.

After waiting for more than 10 minutes at last the bar gate opened and they started going in. When Baekhyun's turn came the gaurd asked him for the password which Chanyeol's manager sent him. He quickly grabbed his phone from his pocket and showed them the message. They checked it and let him go inside.

Baekhyun really wasn't a bar person. He didn't like to drink that much. It's not like he never drinks, he does of course but not quite often. So he just found a corner to sit down and started waiting for the party to begin. Though he had no idea what kind of party this is.

After waiting for almost one hour he was getting a little bored since he just sat down there without doing anything. That's when suddenly the girls and the boys started yelling and rushing towards the entry. Yes, of course Chanyeol has fanboys too.

Baekhyun noticed the chaos and realized it's must be Chanyeol. So he also stood up and tried to get closer but it was almost impossible to get close to him.

Chanyeol went to another corner and all of the fans were around him, trying to grab his attention.

It was already past 12 and they announced that Chanyeol will be there for one hour. Baekhyun was getting frustrated cause he wasn't seeing any chance to get closer to the boy. He couldn't even get to see a glimpse of him yet.
Kyungsoo showed him some photos of Chanyeol earlier. And looked like he grew much taller than Baekhyun. Also he looked hella handsome that Baekhyun had butterflies in the stomach. So he was really eager to see him in person.

But to his luck it was already almost an hour but he still couldn't see him.

After a few minutes the people around him started cheering and yelling again. So he assumed Chanyeol's time was over and he is gonna leave now. He was losing all of his hope now but then he saw the boy..

Suddenly like a miracle the crowd started getting ligher in front of him and at last he got a chance to lay his eyes on the celebrity.

Actually he was on the way of exit so when Chanyeol started moving to the exit door the crowd started moving from the way and that's how Baekhyun got the chance.

He saw how Chanyeol was coming closer to him and he couldn't move at all.

The boy was actually taller than him. And also really handsome. Baekhyun just fell for him all over again. For a few seconds he got lost in those eyes. But he quickly regained his compose and started calling the taller by his name. Though he seemed like another fan just screaming for some attention. But he hoped for another miracle to happen and that Chanyeol will notice him.

And the miracle happened...

Chanyeol was a few steps from the exit door when he heard a voice between the corwd. The voice somehow felt familiar. He was already tipsy from all the drinking so he just ignored the voice first. He continued to making his steps towards the exit but he heard it again. Now more near than before. So he searched for the voice.

He was scanning the place when his eyes laid on a smaller figure. Brown fluffy hairs, button nose and a boxy smile.

He looks a lot like my Baek...

But... but he can't be here...

It's not just possible...

Chanyeol took a step towards the said boy. The boy seemed to realise that Chanyeol was staring at him and he couldn't help but blush. He stopped screaming his name and just kept staring back at the taller.

"Who are you?" Chanyeol lightly touched the latter's left cheek, cupping it slightly.

Baekhyun felt his cheeks burn from the touch. He waited 13 years for this moment, to meet his love again. Though he didn't dream of it in this way but it was enough to meet him, whatever the situation is.

"It's me. Baekhyun." Baekhyun replied with a smile, maintaining the eye contact.
"It's me. -hyun." The corwd started cheering when Chanyeol touched the smaller's cheek. And from all those screams Chanyeol was unable to hear the full name. The Baek part got unheard to him.

May be because of the alcohol or may be because he looked like someone Chanyeol treasures, he couldn't help but ask the question,

"Wanna go with me somewhere else?"

Chanyeol, himself didn't really know what he was thinking but he didn't wanted to lose this guy yet.

Baekhyun was so damn happy hearing that because he thought Chanyeol recognised him and just wanna talk with him alone. So he nodded quickly and smiled brightly at the taller.

Chanyeol instantly grabbed him by his waist and pulled him out of the crowd and to the exit.

Forgetting what he was supposed to do..
Watching the two boys left the bar alone two girls started panicking. They quickly started finding Chanyeol's manager which they found in a few minutes.

"Junmyeon-ah! Chanyeol just took a random boy with him and left us behind. What is he gonna do now?!" Irene, the older one said to Chanyeol's manager, Kim Junmyeon.

"What?!! Why would he do that?!" Junmyeon yelled in frustration.

"We don't know, oppa. We were just about to exit from here when he saw that guy and just forgot about everything else!" This time Seulgi explained.

"Shit! Okay I'll call him and going to check. You two now can leave with others. Thanks for helping!" Junmyeon said to them and bowed a little. They left after bowing back.

He tried calling Chanyeol again and again but it was switched off..

What are you gonna do now, Chanyeol-ah..

You can't do that..

Nor you can get exposed..

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