Part 17

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"Finally!" I shouted as Kyoya said I could go back to school. I jumped off the bed and did a happy dance. Kyoya started laughing at me before he went to give me a hug.

"You still have to wait until tomorrow."

"I'm the words of Annie, 'You're only a day away!'" I sang the quote while I spoke. Kyoya looked at me in disapproval before going over to the desk. I stood up and followed him as he rummaged through his bag. "What are you doing?"

"Getting your homework out so you can make up what you missed."


"Yes. You do remember it's almost time for summer vacation to start and that means it's almost time for finals and other big tests."

"Oh yeah."

"I can't believe I'll be a third year next year. Mori-senpai and Hunny-senpai are graduating this year, Tamaki and Lawrence are moving up with me, the twins, Haruhi, Luna, and yourself will be second years, and that leaves Lucy entering Ouran Academy as a first year."

"I can't believe Mori and Hunny are leaving soon. I don't want them to go. They're too nice."

"Well we still have about two weeks."

"I know but... what about the host club? What are you guys going to do now that you're losing your boy-Lolita and Silent types?"

"I guess that's something I need to bring up at the next meeting. I haven't really thought that far ahead with you having that "accident."" He did the quotation finger signs when he said accident.

"What's with the quotation signs on 'accident?'"

"Nothing. Just wasn't thinking. Now come do your homework so you can get caught up."

"Aye Aye Captain Magna Artist."


"You left your black book at home today. Did you really think I wasn't going to take a peak?" I smiled before taking my homework from my frozen-in-shock fiancé. This is going to be fun.


The next day we go to school and Lily looked tired. I was fearing for my life in the car because she had so much homework to do last night and even after I went to bed she went over her work twice more to make sure she didn't do anything wrong. We arrived at the school before she stepped out and adjusted her white headband. We both walked inside before we were stopped by Renge.

"Lily, I'm sorry. I have to tell you something."

"Go ahead," she replied with a blank expression.

"Aihara-San and I made a plan to keep you away so that we could have Kyoya to ourselves. I didn't know what she was planning and went along with it until I saw what happened. We were the ones who pushed you in front of the car and I'm SERIOUSLY sorry!" Renge said that all in one breath so she was panting after she said it all.

"I forgive you."


"I said I forgive you."


"Yes. But you didn't know what that crazy-"

"Lily," I warned.

"I was going to say witch. She didn't know what that crazy witch was going to do so I accept the apology."

"Really Lily," Renge asked.

"Of course. Just don't try to steal Kyoya from me again okay?"

"Fine. I don't know what to do now though. I've been after Kyoya for so long now and I only ever had a crush on my video game simulations."

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