Part 14

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A/n: before we begin, I realized you never got your shoutout reader-chan. SO! I'm sending a shout out to @Tweak_athaga_bunny for getting it right that my new user is a Hetalia reference! Anyways, ONTO THE EPICNESS!!!! 😋😆😋😆



I woke up to the sound of an alarm clock. I heard it go off and felt an arm wrap around my waist. I groaned as Kyoya said those dreaded words, "Lily, it's time for school."

"Do I have to?" My voice was still cracked from out debut the other night and all the packing and moving and unpacking over the weekend killed me.

"Sadly we both do." I pulled the covers off my face and looked at Kyoya. He had his glasses off and his hair was messed up from a long night of sleep. Wait a minute, if his hair looks like that- ah!

I shot up before running to the bathroom and locking the door. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair in tangles with frizzy bits sticking up here and there. As fast as I could, I brushed it out and put on my signature headband. (White today since I have school and it matches the uniform.) I walked out of the bathroom and saw Kyoya putting on his glasses.

"What was that about? I know girls hate when their partners see their bedhead but seriously Lily."

"Easy for you to say. You actually look sexy with bed hair."

"What was that?"


"Uh-huh...? Nevertheless, we still have to get ready for school." I groaned as I picked up my uniform and walked into the bathroom. I changed into the horrid piece of clothing and heard a knock.

"Come in." I picked up my toothbrush as Kyoya came in already dressed in his complete uniform. "How'd you get changed so quickly?"

"I have my secrets that even my future wife isn't going to learn about Lily." He smirked as he started to comb his hair. I rolled my eyes and brushed my teeth.

We soon finished getting completely ready and went downstairs. We saw the other members of the Ootori family already eating breakfast.

"Ah... Lily, Kyoya, please come here." We walked to the table where Mr. Ootori was wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin. "I expect you both to be back home as soon as you can today. You two have a meeting with a marriage counselor."

"Father, shouldn't that be a process taken care of later on, when the wedding is closer?"

"None sense! It's perfectly acceptable. Besides, you two will be getting married in three months." I nearly choked on the bite of omelet I had in my mouth, but I saved it last minute.

"I beg your pardon sir," I said after I could speak again, "Did you say-"

"Three months? Yes. I don't see a better time than now. Luke and Lucy agree with me on the subject as well. After your meeting with the marriage counselor, we start planning." I stared at Kyoya who looked just as shocked as I did. "Now then. Hurry, and have the limo take you to school or else you'll be late."

Kyoya quickly stood up and basically cantered out of the room. I bid the other Ootori gentlemen a goodbye before hurrying after him. I caught up to him as he was getting our bags from a maid.

We walked outside and he handed me my bag before climbing into the backseat of the limo. We started driving before Kyoya let out an aggravated noise. He put his head in his hands and bent forward.

"This is supposed to be our decision, not their's. They can't take what we want away."

"Kyo, I know we said we'd take it a little slow, but it's fine. We'll figure something out."

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