Part 7

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I was walking to the club with Haruhi like usual, except this time I had a little bit of pep in my step. Haruhi gave me a funny look and I started to walk normally again, a blush spreading on my face.

"Wow Lily. I didn't expect you to be in such a good mood."

"Who? Me? You're delusional."

"Whatever you say." We saw Tamaki waiting and, again, Kyoya was with him. I smiled and Tamaki and Haruhi started walking ahead, hands entertained with each other. We kept walking and Kyoya had held onto my hand the rest of the way. A small (but not noticeable) smile made its way on my face.

We got to the club room and I stopped at the sight of my sisters and (very annoyed looking) brother in the room. That's when the youngest Tamakashi noticed her oldest sister.


"What are you three doing here," I asked as I walked up to them.

"We should ask you the same thing," Luna said.

"Yeah, weren't you going somewhere to write the new song," Lucy asked.

"I shouldn't have o explain myself to you!" I was getting upset.

"Did you lie to us Lily? Why did you come to the club? You've been acting strange lately and won't tell us anything," Lawrence ranted.


"Yeah, tell us Lily."

"Come on, tell us."

"Shut up! What I do in my personal life is none of your business! So just.... GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!" They looked upset and i realized how harsh I was. "Oh my word. Guys, I didn't mean it like-"

"Save it. We know how you meant it. Lucy, Lawrence, let's bail." They walked out the door and I felt awful. I turned around and came face to face with the hosts.

"Wow Lilly. That..."

"Was a pretty jerk move." The twins said.

"Lil-chan was scary just now."


"Lily, I can't believe you of all people yelled at your brother and sisters," Haruhi said.

"We can't have any drama in front of our guests, so we were lucky you yelled at them before the ladies started arriving," Tamaki added.

"Can't you people see she feels bad enough," Kyoya said. "Haruhi, you're supposed to be her best friend but you just made her feel even worse, and the rest of you. You're supposed to be hosts, it is your job to make every girl happy and you just made Lily even ore upset then she was prier to your rude comments. I'm done for the day, tell the girls I was feeling sick. Come on Lily, I'll take you home." Kyoya grabbed my hand and we started to walk towards the door. We got in the limo, but instead of taking me straight home, Kyoya told the driver to go to the park.

"Why are we-"

"It should help get your mind off things." We arrived shortly after and started to walk around a bit. Kyoya told the driver to come get us in half an hour. We started to walk around and I saw a band playing under the gazeebo. I staarted to watch which made Kyoya take notice and guide me over to where we could see better. The band finished up a song and the singer came over to me. Strange, he looks familiar.

"Hey Lil, haven't seen you around for a while," he said. That's when it hit me.

"Uncle Rei?"

"In the flesh! Now give me a hug snug-bug!" I gave my uncle a hug before stepping back.

"But, I thought you were in Europe visiting your friend from college."

"I WAS in Europe visiting my friend from college. I got back this morning. You think your dad would mind me coming over for the night?"

"Not at all, if anything I'm sure he'd be overjoyed to see his baby brother again."

"Hey! Why dont you sing a song wih the band resl quick bfore I let you get back to your date."


"Yeah, that guy is your boyfriend right?"


"Nice to meet you Mr. Rei," Kyoya said politely. "I am in fact Lily's boyfriend, but we're not on a date, jus a casual stroll to help her clear her head."

"No need o put the mister, I like you kid. Call me Uncle."

"I am grateful for that, Uncle."

"What's your name Son?"

"Kyoya Ootori sir."

"Well, you don't mind me stealing away my niece for a moment do you?"

"Not at all."


I saw Lily being dragged up to he gazeebo with her uncle. All the men looked happy to see Lily as they spoke for a minute before her and her uncle both stared to sing. (Take Me to Church by Hozier)

Uncle Rei:

My lover's got humour
She's the giggle at a funeral
Knows everybody's disapproval
I should've worshipped her sooner

If the heavens ever did speak
She's the last true mouthpiece
Every Sunday's getting more bleak
A fresh poison each week

"We were born sick" you heard them say it


My church offers no absolutes
She tells me "Worship in the bedroom"
The only heaven I'll be sent to
Is when I'm alone with you

I was born sick
But I love it
Command me to be well
Aaay. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life (X2)

Uncle Rei:

If I'm a pagan of the good times
My lover's the sunlight
To keep the Goddess on my side
She demands a sacrifice

Drain the whole sea
Get something shiny
Something meaty for the main course
That's a fine-looking high horse
What you got in the stable?
We've a lot of starving faithful

That looks tasty
That looks plenty
This is hungry work

Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins so you can sharpen your knife
Offer me my deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life (X2)


No masters or kings
When the ritual begins
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin

In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am human
Only then I am clean
Ooh oh. Amen. Amen. Amen.


Take me to church
I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life (X2)

After they finished, we all chatted for a bit before he limo arrived. I took Lily and her uncle home and stepped out of the car with them. I saw Lily's dad's car in the driveway which meeans he must be home. I gave Lily a quick kiss before going to my own house. Today was a long day, and I just need about a five hour nap before I go to bed tonight.

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