"Don't you want to brush your teeth?" he asks. "No need to sugarcoat say it how it is cause i know it's bad." I say. "It's not like that i just wanna kiss you." I smile. "I know my lips are irresistible. Please carry me to the bathroom." "Wow you saying please on the first try." We chuckle. "I am a kind hearted being." "Says the killer." We laugh.

He carries me bridal style and we go to the bathroom. "You have a nice place it's better than mines." I say. "Thank you." He puts me down and hands me a toothbrush and toothpaste and we brush our teeth.

"Why did you give me so much hickeys?" I ask. "You mine and I'm marking my territory for when someone wants to steal whats mine they will see this beautiful pattern I created." he says. "Possessive I see and i like." "You like possessive?" "Yes possessive not obsessive and a little bit of jealousy." He chuckles. "I'll definitely be jealous if another man has what I have."

"As long as you treat me right and my feelings do right by me then you won't have to worry about another man having what you have now." I say and he laughs. "I think your feelings ended because he didn't treat you right. I can guarantee you now that this time they will last cause I will treat you better." he says. "Okay I see you." We chuckle.

"Come let me carry you." he says. He carries me bridal style and plants kisses over my face. "I feel like a baby when you do that." I say. "That's because you are mine." I smile and giggle. He puts me on the bed and walks to the closet.

He comes back with two t-shirts and sweatpants for him. "Wear this." he says and throws it at me and i catch it. I wear it and it reaches mid thigh. "Does it suit me?" I ask. "You can keep it." "Really?" "Yeah it suits you better." "Thanks."

"I love your tattoo." he says. "Which one?" I ask. "I like the one on your breasts." I chuckle. "I'm sure you like it because it's by my breasts." "No I love the details." "Why don't you have a tattoo?" "I haven't found a reason to get one but I'm not against it." "Okay."

He puts me on the love couch and makes the bed. "I could get used to this view in front of me." I say. "At least you see me when we have meetings about the case." he says. "You shouldn't feel guilty for getting arrested cause look what you have now." He chuckles. "I would have got you one way or another." I raise my eyebrow. "I'm serious." "Positive." We chuckle.

"Should i order in or make breakfast?" he asks. "What time is it?" I ask. "11:45." "Let's order in. I'll taste your cooking next time." "What do you want?" "Steers burger will be very useful and maybe some Romans pizza I'm flipping starving." He chuckles.

"I think you must walk by yourself." he says. "But then you said you will carry me." I say. "How will you heal when you being babied unless you want us to do stretch exercises to get better." I laugh. "It's fine let me learn how to walk. Make yourself useful and help me stand up." "Ask nicely you were did well earlier on."  I chuckle.

"Okay please." He helps me stand up and we go downstairs. Walking aka limping downstairs was a mission and a half. My legs feel like jelly and it's definitely painful. I am not underestimating him and i know I'll enjoy each and every moment of intimacy with him.

I sit down on the bar stools and take out my phone from the bag. I switch it on and check my messages. "Are you going to wear this dress again?" he asks amusement laced in his tone. "How will I wear something thats torn?" I ask. He smirks. "Fool it was apart of your plan." "Nope."

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