Part 47 (The End of Woodbury)

Start from the beginning

"Get the hell outta here!" he yelled and the three of them came out of hiding and began firing. From the three angles, they were able to see all of them.

CJ fired her rifle repeatedly and took a few down. Much like in the first battle in Woodbury, she wasn't concerned with whether or not she was killing anyone. She wasn't a fan of killing, and she didn't plan on making a habit out of it.

But these people had attacked her home. Hurt her family, threatened their lives.

The sounds of gunfire and screams filled the air. A few of the Woodbury people were shooting back, but the three of them were able to duck and dodge the bullets. The chaos of the whole scene was pretty good cover too. It seemed like none of the attackers were expecting this much of a fight. Not even the Governor. He was the main target. But he seemed to have a couple of his men covering him at all times.

They began to flee the courtyard and made a run for it back to their trucks. Glenn, CJ and Maggie all kept shooting at them until everyone was in the vehicles and hastily driving back down the dirt road, past the gates and away from the prison.

CJ let out a sigh and pulled her helmet off with a grunt when she saw the coast was clear. "God, that thing was squeezing my brain!" she called out to Maggie and Glenn with a smile.

"We did it?!" Maggie shouted back.

"We did," Glenn replied with a nod. "Come on down!"

The three of them made their way down to the fence and it wasn't long before Michonne, Daryl and Rick showed up to meet them. When Daryl saw CJ, he held his hand up and she smiled and high-fived him, gripping his hand for a second before letting go. The six of them looked out at the field, littered with dead walkers. The watch towers were still on fire, grey smoke clouds sinking down to the ground.

"We did it," Rick said proudly. "We drove 'em out."

"We should go after them," Michonne announced.

"We should finish it," Daryl added.

"It is finished," Maggie argued. "Didn't you see them high-tail it outta' here?"

"They could regroup," CJ countered.

"We can't take the chance," Glenn agreed. "He's not gonna stop."

"They're right," Carol breathed out. "We can't keep living like this."

"So, we take the fight back to Woodbury?" Maggie raised her eyebrows. "We barely made it back last time."

"He don't care," Daryl shook his head.

Rick looked between everyone for a second before nodding in agreement. "Yeah," he sighed. "Let's check on the others."

They all went back inside and found Carl, Hershel and Beth, who was holding Judith in her arms. They had already brought in some of the bags from the car. CJ spotted her duffel bag and rucksack on the table and grabbed them to take back to her cell. It wasn't until she picked them both up that she remembered how heavy they were. She still had her riot gear and rifle on which made carrying everything at the same time feel like a juggling act.

"Here, let me take somethin'," she heard Daryl offer from beside her as he was already taking the duffel bag off of her arm. "Jesus what's in his," he grunted as he put the strap of the bag on his shoulder.

"Honestly I have no idea," she chuckled. "Thanks," she huffed out as she led the way to her cell. She dumped whatever she was holding on the floor as soon as she got though the cell door and told Daryl to do the same.

"You comin' to Woodbury?" he asked.

"Yeah," CJ nodded. She started trying to take of the riot gear, but she had rather stupidly tied it up behind her back so she had to stretch very awkwardly to even try to reach the knot. She heard a low chuckle and looked up at Daryl with a playful glare. "Oh, you think this is funny huh?"

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