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He sat cross legged on the floor with Brett by his side while the baby nursed and calmed down. Then Lily moved laboriously until she was half sitting up, holding the baby burrito tight in her arms.
"So." she said softly. "Would you like to hold her... gan die?"
Eddy's mouth fell open as he automatically held out his arms.
Wait. Godfather?
"Um..." he managed and she smiled.
"You up for it?" she asked.
He blinked the tears back as she put the baby in his arms, and he held her, resting her in his left arm, holding back the towel from her little face with his right hand so he could stroke the little head. She was so tiny, he had had no idea that humans ever even came this tiny. And yet he already knew what a powerhouse she was going to become. She was Lily's child, after all, and she looked just like her.
Lily had asked him to be Edlyn's Godfather.
"Absolutely." he whispered. He looked down at the little girl who had somehow been named after him, who he was now connected to forever. She was so beautiful. Her skin was so, so soft and she smelled sweet. She had a little bit of dark hair on her head, peeping out from under the soft towel, and he stroked it gently. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing softly. Had she gone to sleep in his arms? Baby's slept a lot, right? And she had just been through a big event, right?
"Edlyn." he whispered through deep emotion. "You're so beautiful. I love you."
He knew then that he would go to the end of the world to protect this little girl.

He hugged Lily so, so tight as she got up to go upstairs about an hour later, to rest in bed with her new little baby.
"I'll see you tomorrow after rehearsal." he said in her ear. "I'll see you both."
"Thanks, Eddy. For everything." she whispered.
"No." he said in a voice thick with something. "Thank you."

It's not something he had ever really thought of before, but he would never father a baby, would he? Probably? And yet... here she was, unexepectedly in his life, this little girl with her deep brown eyes.
She would be family now.
They said their polite goodbyes to Lily's family, put on their shoes and started their walk to the bus stop. It was long since day by now, and the sun was hot on his face. It was strange, because there they were, just having been in this life changing event all night and all morning and yet the whole world around him was just normal, like there was nothing out of the ordinary at all. 
How weird. 
"So." Brett said after a moment. "That was quite the morning."
"Wow. It... wow."
Brett took his hand and interlaced their fingers.
"She's beautiful, your god daughter."
"She is, right? Can you believe Lily asked me to be her Godfather?"
Brett shrugged.
"Yeah, I can, to be honest. You mean a lot to her."
"She means a lot to me too."
"I know."
Eddy was glad when the bus stop came up, because his legs suddenly seemed to be made of led. He plopped down on the bench and pulled on Brett's hand so he would sit down next to him. Then he put his head on Brett's shoulder.
"I'm exhausted."
Brett smiled.
"Yeah, me too. We'll have time for a nap, right?"
"Yeah, I'm not going to the con anymore today."
"We can miss one day. I just have theory and solfege. Sod it."
Eddy nodded.
"Yeah. How about we sleep for two hours and then we're practising the whole afternoon. Deal?"
Brett nodded just as the bus came down the street and screeched to a stop in front of them. Brett got up first and held out his hand to Eddy.

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