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He caught Brett's eye the second Trevor and he walked back into the auditorium. And he would say something, tell him not to worry, it was all good, but how? There were kids milling about, waiting for him so they could go to lunch. In fact, there were some standing around with Todd and Ian, whose hands were together again, laughing, grinning. He realised straight away why and he smiled. 
Good for them. 
"So, lunch?" he said neutrally. 
"Yep, we're off."
On the way to the same place as yesterday he walked next to Brett, but Anna quickly reached his side. 
"So, erm, what's the news?" she asked him softly as they all fell back a bit.
"I told him about us. Well. I told him about me and he instantly guessed the rest. I... I think he was a bit worried I might like you."
Anna laughed curtly.
"Yeah. Sorry. He... yeah."
"Will he keep his mouth shut?"
"Oh, yeah." Anna said straight away. "I'll make sure of it. I'm really sorry, though. I should have seen this coming. He can be a bit of a caveman sometimes."
Eddy shrugged. 
"Nah, no worries. It's... it's okay."

That spark inside of him was kindling every moment, growing now into a tiny little flame of something new. He watched on as Todd and Ian walked side by side ahead of them, hands released for now, but close, with their new friends surrounding them. It had been easy, right? For them? And the tiny flame grew more. 
God, this was supposed to have been a relaxed trip, but there had been so much excitement, it seemed like there hadn't been a moment to catch his breath. He pulled the back of his hand over Brett's and took a deep breath as they turned into the restaurant. Then, before he sat down, he looked towards the restrooms. 
"Imma go wash my hands." he said. 
"Oh, good idea. Me too. I got rosin on them." Brett answered straight away, and walked with him. 

"Hey." he said as he closed the restroom door behind them. The first door, where the wash basins where, wasn't locked, but there was nobody around. And for a moment Eddy thought of dragging him into one of the stalls, kissing him, maybe doing more. But he couldn't, of course. So he turned on the tap and ran his hands under the cool water. 
"So." Brett said. 
"You good?"
Eddy turned the tap off, turned to his love, who was there with worried eyes, and then in one movement he pushed him against the door and pounced. Suddenly their lips were locked, their tongues together, feverish, the passion making him groan. 
"Bretty..." he whispered against his lips, kissing him again, and again, until he was breathless. Then he let him go and jumped back to the sink as if nothing had happened at all. He looked up at the reflection in the mirror. Red lips, shiny eyes, a tinge of pink to his cheeks. After a moment Brett came and stood at the next sink over. 
"So, what did I do to deserve that?" he said kindly. 
"Just, you're you." Eddy shrugged. 
"I'm me, huh?" Brett said, in his sweet, slightly shy tone. Eddy always melted when he used that tone. "Well, I don't really know how to be anyone else."
"Good." Eddy smiled. 

He stayed there as Brett used the urinals, frozen to the spot, still staring at himself in the mirror. He looked older, somehow, more mature. Maybe he felt more mature, too. This trip had changed him. 
"You know?" he said when Brett came back and washed his hands. 
"I don't know how much longer I can do this."
He had expected Brett to ask him what, but he could have known he would understand him straight away. Brett glanced to the door and put his hand on his shoulder. 
"I'm following your lead, my love."
Eddy knew he was taking risks, here, but he didn't care. He leaned over and kissed him one more time. 
"I love you for that." he whispered in his ear, and then they casually walked back to the table, like nothing at all had just been done, had been said. 

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