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Something had relaxed, in Eddy, and he had actually enjoyed the general rehearsal that afternoon, and he was enjoying the buffet, too. He had gotten to know a few of the orchestra members by this point, so he was finding it easier to chat a little. Now Brett, of course, was yammering with anyone and anything. He smiled as he watched him chat, a beer in his hand, a plate of rice and some meat in his other. How was he even going to eat it, like that? 
Brett turned around like he had touched him and raised his eyebrows once. 
Oh, but Eddy knew exactly what that look meant, and he had to stop his mouth from falling open. That scorching look, that said sure, I'm chatting to people now, but in just a little bit I will be with you, and you alone. He smiled shyly as Brett casually looked back to the brass players he was talking to. Eddy felt a little bit lightheaded as he walked over to the buffet to get some more of that rice. 
This was going to be good, but he had been wondering about something... and he hadn't talked to Brett about it yet, because he wasn't sure. Did he want to? Did Brett even want to? But he remembered looking in that mirror earlier in the restaurant. He was stronger now, right? Braver, too? 
Maybe he should just tell Brett? He shrugged and was just scooping rice and vegetables on his plate when the co-concertmaster came towards him. He was a big, burly Aussie guy with tight, curly hair, who seemed to play pretty well. Was he going to be concertmaster next season?
"Hi! Eddy, right?" he asked. "I'm Steve. Just wanted to say I love the quartet."
"Oh, thanks!" 
"In my humble opinion Dvorak writes the best quartets."
Eddy smiled and stood his ground. 
"Yeah, but I also really like some of the later ones."
Before he knew it he was deep into a conversation about the merits of romantics versus impressionism. 

It was late, by the time they were walking back to the hotel, but Eddy wasn't tired at all. In fact, he couldn't wait, because he had made up his mind by now. And Brett had raised his eyebrows like that again, just now, making him shiver a little. They walked through the lounge and into the lift, where he took Brett's hand, and rubbed his thumb over it. He stood close, not caring about the proximity of Todd and Ian. They were only looking at each other, anyway. 
"Hey." he breathed in his ear. "Did you have fun?"
"Yeah." Brett breathed back. His lips dragged along Eddy's cheek. "But not as much fun as I'm about to have."
"Get a room, you guys." Todd said suddenly, his eyebrows waggling wickedly. 
 "About to, Todd. Just like you are." Eddy retorted straight away, and Todd laughed out loud. 
"Well, alright then."
The lift doors opened and the four of them stepped out. Eddy turned to Todd, took a breath, and with a big smile he said it at exactly the same time as Todd:
"Have fun."

They were both still grinning as Brett closed the door behind them. But then the laugh froze in Eddy's throat. He was suddenly so, so nervous. What would Brett say? But he had made a decision, and he should stick with it. 
"Um." he said, and that did it, Brett's brows furrowed and he pulled him into the room. 
"What's up?"
"Nothing. I mean. I was just wondering."
"About what?"
Eddy smiled as he wiped his love's hair back from his forehead. 
"Nothing bad. Something good... I hope. Um. You know... how much fun we had in the shower?"
A cheeky smile appeared on Brett's lips. 
"How... where do you stand... I mean... would you ever want to... um..."
Now realisation dawned on the beautiful face across from him, and Brett's eyes opened wide. 
"You mean... you would want to... whoa, are you sure?"
"Y-yeah. Think so. But would you want to?"
Brett was quiet for a long moment, then he pulled Eddy close. 
"If you're sure. Yes. Of course I want to."

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