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As they were walking back through Taipei he could feel the excitement building fast. Brett was quiet again, but this time in a good way. In a brooding, expectant way. They were walking as a group, but it was almost like it was just the two of them now, no busy street, no pedestrians, no cars, just them. He ran the back of his hand over Brett's and breathed in sharply as he grew against his dress trousers. Oh, this wasn't very convenient, but he couldn't help it, he was fully hard already, and they still had a ways to walk. Then Brett grinned and without a word he handed him the jacket he had been holding. 
Brett knew. How did he know? He shot him a look as he took the jacket and folded it over his arm, but Brett just smiled enigmatically, his tongue appearing briefly between his teeth. He leaned over to him and waggled his eyebrows. 
"Gorgeous." he said, just for his ears, and Eddy shivered. 
The hotel came into view, just there at the end of that street. And no matter how exciting this was, walking side by side, both of them knowing what was coming, Eddy couldn't wait. He was the first one in, through the lounge, and he pressed the lift button four times. 
"In a hurry?" Todd said teasingly. He was standing next to him, his voice was dripping with innocence. And Eddy would have retorted something, but he seemed to be all out of retorts right now. 
"Yes." he said as the doors opened and he stepped in. 
God, how was he even going to take Brett, the way he had promised? After this day, after the tension, after last night, he was so turned on he could feel the orgasm already, just underneath the surface. And he had to make this good, he simply had to. 
But how? 
"Good night." Todd and Ian said together. Their hands were intertwined, and they shared a look that made Eddy smile. Oh yeah, he wasn't the only one getting laid tonight, was he? 
"Yeah, you too." he said as Brett opened the door to their room. 

Brett closed the door behind him. Eddy had expected him to walk in, to wait, but he didn't. Instead he pushed Eddy against the door and his lips were on his, feverish, insistant. His hand went down and cupped Eddy's hardness, which throbbed against the fabric of his dress trousers. 
"Oh..." Eddy whispered. 
Brett's hand rubbed him, just there, up and down, up and down through the fabric, and his breath was speeding up. 
"B... Brett." he warned. 
"I know." Brett whispered. He kissed him one more time, and then he dropped down on his knees. 
How was it possible that Brett knew him so well? That he would provide a solution to a thing he hadn't even told him about? Brett was opening his dress trousers and before he knew it Brett's mouth was around him, sucking, loving, drawing him in. The orgasm that had started building came on fast, now, the waves coming up, taking him over, consuming him, and he groaned loudly as he poured himself into Brett's hot mouth. 

"Y... you knew."  he said feebly as Brett led him from the door, to the bed, where he let himself fall down. He'd need a minute. Brett smiled sweetly. 
"That there was no way you were gonna last? Yeah."
"That... that's so... wow."
Brett lay down beside him and put his head on Eddy's shoulder. His finger was rubbing his stomach gently, all the way from his collar bone to his belly button and back. He shrugged. 
"You know me so well." Eddy said. He was suddenly feeling shy. 
Brett's hand was rubbing further now, his fingers touching the hair underneath his waist band, going further and further down. A little further and Eddy could feel himself start to stir. 
"There you go."  Brett breathed, the excitement clear in his voice. He paused for a moment as Eddy grew more. Then, even softer, almost like a confession, he spoke again.
"I only know you so well because you're my life."

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