Chapter 25

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Four days.

It's been four days inside this prison and my nerves are beginning to fry. When we aren't at one of our three meals a day, we are either confined to our cells or taken one at a time for testing and interrogation.

I've not been for either.

I've taken to waking up two hours before breakfast call to work out my mind and body in peace. The first two days, I got nowhere with my powers, but yesterday I discovered that the oil-looking liquid floating in the water of me cell is, in fact, minimizer chemical. I used my hands to swipe the dirty water out of the cell in large sweeps and when it was gone, I felt my power stir ever so slightly.

So, I sit amidst the damp floor, water dripping on me, and meditate my powers. I alternate sitting still, and doing sit ups or push ups while engaging my powers. Without someone to use my abilities on, it's hard to focus them toward any one thing, but I find myself just feeling every inch of them as they flow through my body. I can feel as power grows stronger beneath my skin.

Plaz had said that today would be shower day, and I cant be more grateful. Sitting on the damp and dirty floor almost all day every day has left my clothes and body feeling gross.

A guard passes by my cell.

I continue my sit up, ignoring him. They patrol by every thirty minutes or so to make sure no one is missing.

A minute later, he passes by again, walking the other way.

Cautiously, I extend my power to see his mind, and gasp as it shines much brighter than any norm I've seen before.

It glows just like an Enhanced.

He passes by again, but stops near the edge.

"Awe," he whispers.

"Do I know you?" My words are cold and accusatory.

Sometime white flashes in his hand before it's forced through the bars, landing on the dry part of the floor. "This is for you from Crimson."

He leaves just as the words register in my brain. Scrambling, I crawl to the piece of paper abandoned on the floor of my cell. I don't know how he got an Enhanced in as a guard or how he smuggled the note in, but I don't care.

There is a part of my worried that the note is fake, but as soon as my eyes scan the written words, I know it is authentic.

I'm not sure how, but I knew it was you this whole time. Since your debut, since the night you signed your cape, since I kissed you in your room, since I heard your voice in my head — it's always been you. It may have taken me a while to figure it out, and way too long to tell you how I feel, but I hope you can forgive me for waiting so long.

I got your message that night on the roof of the bank. I know. I know everything and I am so sorry for what they did. You need to know, you're brother hasn't been home. I don't know if they have him for sure, but keep your eyes open for him.

I can't reveal my plans because the risk is too great that this message could be intercepted, but please know I am on my way.

I am on my way for you.

If you'll have me.


A tear slips from my eyes and I clutch the paper to my chest. He is coming for me, I think. For all of us.

The prison break.

I could almost laugh at the irony. I had told him not to do his prison break, and now it's the only thing I'm hoping he will do.

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