Chapter 14

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Forrest's angry green eyes meet mine and I know I'm dead.

Not really dead, but probably close.


Rowan groans under his breath, tilting his head up to the sky in annoyance. "Great," he mutters sarcastically.

My brother folds his arms across his chest with a disapproving look. "'Great' is right, Amazing Man," he says the super's name mockingly. "It's great that I showed up to prevent you from taking advantage of my sister."

My jaw drops at his words. "He is not taking advantage of me, For. We were just kissing. Mutually."

"You're not old enough for that," came his reply.

"We're all the same age!" I explode.

Forrest doesn't budge, keeping his over-protective stance. "Get inside, Awe."

"I'm not a child."


Not wanting to start another possible physical fight, I huff and stomp passed my brother and inside the building. "I hate you!"

We leave Amaze on the roof, walking down the five flights of stairs before arriving at Forrest's apartment. "I can't go in," I deadpan while gesturing at my entire super suit still on display across my body.

"Kingsley isn't here," he replies while opening the door and pushing me firmly inside. "Go inside and change. Get ready for bed."

I whirl around on Forrest, my finger jabbed at his chest. "You do not get to boss me around like some child, do you hear me. I am a grown woman — a Superhero — and you are nothing but a guy who can't take responsibility for his own powers. You could be helping people, but instead you stay in this apartment paid for by our parents. You don't work, you don't pay for anything, and you certainly don't qualify as even half the Enhanced that I am.

"I am here of my own volition — specifically so that I don't have to fight you again because I won't be on the defensive this time. That, and I am also very tired. I am going to go to sleep for a few hours, then I'll be up and gone to do actual Superhero things tonight. Until then, don't bother me." I throw in some Influence at the end of my speech, almost without meaning to.

Forrest's jaw goes slack, just like Robin's during the interview, and I pull my power back into my own mind. He shakes his head as if to clear it. "Good night, Sage. I'll see you later."

"Forrest, wait." I start and he freezes like a video on pause. "Where is Kingsley?"

My brother's reply is robotic, and I really start to wonder if my Influence has damaged something. "He's been staying at Tazia's for the last few weeks. I haven't seen him here or even in class."

I nod, satisfied. "Okay, good night, For. I love you."

"I love you, too," he replies, still sounding not quite himself.

Once Forrest is tucked away in his room, I softly pad towards Kingsley's door. Even though I know he isn't here — and hasn't been here for a while — it still feels wrong entering his room. However, I need a change of clothes and if he isn't using his bed, then I will.

If it's clean.

I walk into Kingsley's room expecting the worst, but to my surprise it is actually tidy. The floor is free of everything, including dirt, and there aren't clothes spilling out of the dresser, unlike mine.

I don't even see a chair or table piled with 'worn but not actually dirty' clothes. I have two of those piles at my house.

Setting my shoes by the door, I quietly search Kingsley's room for something to wear. Unfortunately, there are no women's clothes left over from any of his most-likely one night stands, so I opt for a long sleeve t-shirt made of some kind of soft material and a pair of clean boxers. Both items smell like they're fresh out of the wash, and I am secretly impressed by his laundry skills.

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