Chapter 4

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Archie didn't have it. After a few hours of training, he had already quit without success. Forrest and I continued, turning it in to a competition before Archie finally interrupted us to call it a day.

Realizing we haven't eaten all day, Forrest and I stop in Tri-City for some food.

Forrest waits on the roof of a near by building while I go inside my favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant. It's a cute mom and pop authentic Mexican eatery owned and operated by the Jimenez family. I've loved this place since I accidentally stumbled in after my first ever fight against an Advanced super. The Advanced, appropriately named Corkscrew for his nausea powers, showed up only shortly after I took over as Tri-City's super. Until then, I had only fought norms, so fighting Corkscrew while sick to my stomach was quite a feat for me.

I happened by this place and basically passed out at the doorway. The grandmother - Abuela - who runs most of the restaurant had two of her grand sons drag me in. They set me up in a booth and brought out an entire feast for me to eat. They were extremely nice - didn't even ask me to remove my mask - and kept asking if I needed anything else. I hadn't Established yet, so I tried to explain to her that I didn't have any money.

Abuela wouldn't hear it. She practically force fed me until I had enough strength to feed myself.

Since then, it's become my routine to stop by a couple of times a week. I use my government issued card for work-related transactions to pay, always leaving a hefty tip. I also promote their business in any interview I do.

I hope one day I'll be able to repay their hospitality.

"Mija," Abuela exclaims excitedly while opening her arms for a hug. I embrace her, leaning down a bit since she is so short. I love that she calls me mija which means 'daughter.' Technically, I call her grandmother and she calls me daughter, but neither of us seem to care about the technicalities. We're basically family and that's all that matters. "A new suit?"

"Si, Abuela. Hay un muchacho neuvo y malo. El . . . uh, como se dice . . . He won a fight last night, so I've had to make a few upgrades." I give up trying to use my minimal Spanish vocabulary and revert back to English with an exasperated throw of my hands. For the last two years, Abuela has been trying to teach me her native language. It's not that it doesn't stick, but sometimes choosing which words to put together is difficult. My sentences are usually choppy and basic and I almost always screw up the tense of the words.

Her strong and bony hands grasp the side of my face and she runs her thumbs across my Emerald mask. "Si, I saw the news. That rojo man is muy malo. I am sorry he hurt you. This mask is beautiful, Mija."

I grab her hands and smile warmly. "Gracias, Abuela."

She smiles back before releasing me. Turning to the kitchen behind her, she shouts louder than she should be able. I hear her call out the 'Super Special' in Spanish.

"Dos!" I holler back to the kitchen once she has finished.

Abuela's head snaps toward me so fast I almost think she is possessed. "Dos? Oje . . ." The rest of her words are lost to me as she speaks in rapid succession while walking into the kitchen a bit. The boys reply with some hoots and hollers.

"No, no, Abuela. El comida es por mi y mi hermano." I have no idea if I've said it correct, but Abuela seems to understand that the food is not for a boyfriend.

She sighs in mock sadness before ushering me over to a table while we wait. "You have not brought your brother before. He did not want to come inside?"

I explain our day - leaving out that he has powers - and tell her how he is waiting for me. She nods solemnly and I know she wishes I would stay and chat. "How is the restaurant doing?"

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