Lupin: what incredible power flowing within my body...

Celios: I have to admit that the both of us rather surprising for someone like you to have godki that actually transforms you into Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan..

Heephis: yeah, what's your most rider impressed by this power as well..

Lupin: so it seems I finally able to unlock the power, but not at its full potential..

Celios: I agree, that this is a half of a portion of your powers.. meaning of you're going to have to train in order to use its full potential..

Heephis: but I could tell that your body is a bit damaged seen that you can't be able to use your power..

Lupin: of course, I know that this is too good to be true...

Celios: don't worry my dear son..

Heephis: I actually might have an alternate solution for this..

Lupin look that Heephis with a curiosity of what exactly this alternate solution could be.

Lupin: and what exactly is this alternate plan of yours..?

Heephis: well it's going to be to change your body, a bit different from your normal one.. in order for you to actually tap into your full potential of your power..

Lupin was hesitated at first but he couldn't help but agree that he needs to change his body tap into the full potential of his power..

Heephis covered Lupin among with his body in a bright yellow flash of light changing every part of it along with the the clothing as well to suit the user.

a few seconds pass by when the moment the light died down and Lupin in his new body finally along with the new clothing was brand-new than ever before.

Lupin walk towards a mirror that was created by Celios for him to see his new body and to surprise you can see the hair was kind of a bit black and blue not to mention his body was a bit built as well

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Lupin walk towards a mirror that was created by Celios for him to see his new body and to surprise you can see the hair was kind of a bit black and blue not to mention his body was a bit built as well.

Lupin: well I'll be seeing that to my new body seems the quite unique..

Celios and Heephis were both happy at they're son, who actually was ready to become a hero unlike those false Heroes of Union.

Celios: okay now with your new body are you ready..?

Heephis: yes ready for your training for the powerful potential of your power..

Lupin: show me, what you got my Sensei..

Celios: Sensei, how very interesting for someone to call us that.. now let the training begin!!

Lupin in his new body was ready for the intense training against his two Godly father figures.

over the course of time is Lupin was able to learn more than one at transformation ability.

The Son of Celios and HeephisWhere stories live. Discover now