The Revelation

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"Help! Somebody! Anybody, please help me!" she cried out as she could feel her pulse rate rising in her panic mode. There was noise on the other side of the door and the door opened. A familiar face walked in, and she couldn't believe it. Had he kidnapped her?

"Dr. Jin! What the hell is going on?" she screamed as he entered the room with a needle in his hand.

"Y/n, I'm sorry, but this is nothing personal for me; just someone I work closely with. Sometimes you can't escape your past. No matter how long you run from it," he stated as she looked at him in confusion. There goes the panic attack getting worse again.

"Let me give you this for your panic attack. We already had the medicine ready in case you had one," he said as he approached her, but she quickly moved up the bed to get away from him.

What did he mean they already had it ready in case. What do they know about Y/n and her past panic attacks?

"You have to let me give you this, or you and your baby will be at risk and the panic attacks will get worse," he advised. She sighed before finally letting him inject her with the medicine. All it took was the mention of the unborn child she was responsible for, and Y/n went ahead and let him medicate her. Y/n could feel herself surely coming down from the attack.

"Did you bring me here?" she questioned after calming down as Jin put the needle in the trash.

"Yes, I did. I waited for Tae to leave to take care of his business. I kept checking the camera I set up, and I finally saw you leave out of your bedroom. I figured you were hungry, so I hid near the kitchen. When you put your juice down, I drugged it. Don't worry, I made sure to use a drug that wouldn't hurt the baby," he stated as Y/n just stared at him wide eyed in disbelief.

"How can I be sure and take your word that my baby won't be hurt due to some random drug you put in my system?" she panicked as she covered her stomach protectively.

"Because, whether you believe it or not, I would never hurt you or your innocent baby," spoke Jin as he looked at the scared woman before him. He was second guessing if he should have done this or not. There was a brief, awkward silence.

"What did you mean by you can't escape your past?" questioned Y/n breaking the silence.

"I think you'll find out soon enough," he stated before turning to leave the room.

"Doctor Jin, please, help me escape from here. I'm so scared. I don't want anything to happen to my baby," Y/n cried. Her tears pulled at his heart strings, but there was nothing else he could do for her right now. His loyalty lied elsewhere, and he wasn't one for being disloyal.

"I really wish I could Y/n, but I can't," he spoke before heading out the door.

"Taehyung is going to kill you and whoever else is involved!" she cried out, but he just gave her one more sad look then closed and locked the door behind himself.

She sat there crying when a thought crossed her mind; Jin's words were echoing in her head about the past. She felt her heart drop into her stomach again when she got the worse thought behind his statement.

"Dear God, please don't let him be behind this!" she cried out before burying her face in the pillow on the bed. Without even realizing it, she soon cried herself to sleep.

~Taehyung and Jimin: Tae's POV~

Me and Jimin walked into my office. I started pacing; my mind was going a thousand and one directions right now. I had my suspicions of who is behind this, or at least played a role in Y/n's kidnapping.

"Jimin, I think I know who the mole is," I confessed.

"Who do you think because I have my suspicions as well, so I want to see if we're on the same page?" he questioned as I sat in my leather seat and placed my hands on my desk. I stayed quiet before speaking.

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