Chapter 3: Sausage, What Did You Do?

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The cool air of the mountains blew against my face, tossing ginger curls that had fallen loose from my braid out into my eyes.

I could have stood there for years, and the view would still be just as breathtaking. Mountains rose from the ground as if challenging the sky itself with their height, marbled with greys and whites from snow slowly melting from the highest peaks. Waterfalls rushed from some into reservoirs, green and lush, surrounded by the land's native pine trees that built up the dense forests of the Crystal Cliffs.

The crisp mountain air stung my nose and cheeks pleasantly, flushing them as I continued to take in the beautiful landscape. I leaned against the railing of the balcony, gazing down at the ground hundreds of feet below. The Sapphire Spire is what I stood on, a tower perched on the cliffside of Mount Sapphirus, the tallest mountain for miles.

This miniature branch of the Apex mountain range encased the capital of my empire, Azurite. Nestled within the sheer and steep cliffs was the city. Some buildings were built directly into the mountain side, trail ways and paths carved out along the cliff face to access them. Others lined the neat streets of the main city below, within the crescent shaped valley the mountains created. Roofs of purple crystal glinted in the sun, shining millions of colors under the rays of light against the stone, drowning out every dull and monotone shade.

I loved this place more than anywhere else in the world, and I was so proud to call this my home. Unfortunately though, I'd be leaving for the day. I was set to meet my friend, King Sausage of Mythland, in Black Dawn City.

I sighed to myself, taking one last look over my beautiful city before stepping back inside and shutting the sliding glass door behind me with the lightest thud.

The temperature change was very sudden, my face warm and red from the quick switch from the chilly altitude outside to the furnaced room within the tower. This room also happened to be my bedroom. I quickly swept my wizard hat from off the dresser, perching it on my head and sweeping the few fallen strands of hair from my braid back behind my ears.

Reaching out, I grabbed my staff which was propped against the wall. It was just about as tall as I was, the wooden shaft twisting around itself to hold up the carefully placed crescent-shaped amethyst secured to the tip. It fit perfectly in my hand, the crevices and texture of the wood familiar in my palm as I held it at my side like a walking stick.

I exited my room, pushing the door open before hurrying down the spiral staircase wrapping around the walls of the tower, bringing me down floor by floor. I passed by several other people, either making their way up in the opposite direction, or joining me on my trek down to the lower floors. All I recognized, at least by face even if some of their names had slipped my memory. I was ruler of this land after all.

I murmured greetings as I passed, whether these people be workers in the Spire or students from the Academy, down below in the city, given permission to look in my private library, they earned my recognition. Of course though, I did need to move rather quickly. I was supposed to meet the Lord of Mythland at noon and time was already beginning to fly rather quickly.

As I approached the doors leading out of the tower, I made the last-minute decision to fasten my sword sheath around my waist, underneath my cloak, with the sword my brother had fashioned me for my twenty-second birthday the year before. You never know, might come in handy. Especially in Mythland which had come to be known as the land of honest thieves.

Finally, I stepped out onto the cliffside the Sapphire Spire was perched on. I was still extremely high up on the mountain, a dizzying height from the ground. It would be quite the trek down, and it was a very good thing I didn't have to hike all the way to the bottom.

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