Chapter 68

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—Harry POV—

Luca gave us a wide smile when he opened the door, clad with a heavy-duty backpack and holding a stuffed shark in one hand. He quietly greeted us adults before he and Teddy practically crashed into each other's arms.

"Hey, Ted!"

"Hi, Luca!"

The boys hugged each other fiercely while Luca's mum- I couldn't quite remember her name- stood at the front door's threshold with a fond smile on her face, her aging lines shown with that pleasant gesture.

She glanced around, finding me, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Scorpius, Rose, and Hugo. "I see you're all here. I know you'll take good care of Luca." She turned to her son, who was positively beaming beside Teddy, who had an identical expression. "I'll see you in two days. Behave..."

Luca rolled his eyes, "Yes, mum."

Within two hours we were back in Fiji, and visiting Cloudbreak beach, known especially for its enormous waves. The sun was bright, the sky was cloudless, and the surfers were fascinating to watch. We quickly settled in a nice, open spot on the sand, with large sitting blankets, food, sand toys, and an umbrella. Everyone busied themselves setting everything in place. The kids were off and into the water as soon as they could, barely applying sunscreen as Draco and Hermione had so urged them to do. I couldn't help but notice Luca's swim shirt was rather loose on him and was about to point it out, but I decided not to. This is supposed to be a vacation, after all... The kids don't need me telling them what to do.

Eventually, a mid-sized boat sped across the water a ways off from the kids, with some people seemingly flying behind it, holding onto a parachute. Expectedly, they rushed out of the water a few moments later, all simultaneously yelling about parasailing. I heard something from Teddy about it being "the next best thing to Quidditch." Ron looked like he had several strong opinions about that statement, but he chose not to reply.

I chose not to participate, but watching them was very amusing. There seemed to be two seats suspended by the parachute, so the kids could go in pairs. Hermione and I watched as each of them had their turn. They were quite far away, but somehow, we were able to hear them yelling their lungs out from all the way here. Teddy's screams were ones of pure horror... I pointed that out to Hermione, and we shared a good laugh about that.

Soon after, they joyfully returned to shore. Teddy looked happier than I'd seen him in months alongside Luca. When they weren't playing with the other kids, they remained very close together, laughing, splashing, and being wild. They did get reprimanded by Draco for chewing their food with their mouths open, but they quickly forgot about it and began having fun again.

It was rather heartwarming to see when Teddy hesitantly brought his hand out to curl around Luca's, and how Luca turned to him beaming afterward like he'd just been offered the sun.

And to think not so long ago he was a little boy living in Muggle America with his godparents, struggling to make sense of the world around him. An intense pang of guilt hit my chest, but it quickly faded. He- and the rest of the kids- have come so far. They'll have stories to tell.

The day finally passed. Soon the sunset came, and painted the sky with rosy hues, before splashing its canvas with the starry night sky.

I found myself unintentionally smiling. Teddy and Luca were walking across the shore together, standing remarkably close. Out in the distance, Scorpius, Rose, Draco, and Hermione could be seen in the distance, chatting and splashing around in the water. I sat idly by the shore.

I saw Ron sitting on our blankets with his legs stretched out in front of him, watching the scene, and I jogged over to sit with him.


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