Everything Is OKAY!

Depuis le début

Entering the lobby of the hotel, Yn was yet again surrounded by reporters.

Reporter: There's a rumor that you were the Neo Gear's test pilot! Do you have any comments?


Reporter 2: What is your plan for the next match with the Neo Gear?


Reporter 3: Do you think your team will win?

Yn:...(looks at broadcast)

Yn: They will.

Without another word, Yn makes his way to his hotel room.

He walks up to his window and glares at the void. Yn gets lost in his stare-off, losing track of time.

The room almost felt as if it faded away as the only thing that had any focus was his reflection.

Yn:(mind) I hate this... I HATE this... I-

He feels a hand grab his.


Taken out of his trance, Yn quickly turns around to see Lisa holding his hand.

Lisa: Yn? Are you okay?

Looking to the door, he finds Felicia and Mick at the entrance, holding his helmet which was clearly stained with blood on the inside.

Yn:... No permanent damage.

Felicia: Nice, didn't know there was damage. But we were referring to how you didn't notice us for a minute.

Yn: Ah.

Yn: Don't concern yourself over it.

Felicia: Stop saying stuff like! Of course, we'll concern ourselves over you.

Felicia: Do you have any idea what you mean to us?!

Yn: Stop throwing a fit. I am Okay.

Lisa: Then why are you shaking?


Looking at his hand, Yn saw how his limb trembled slightly.

Mick: Dude. We understand that you're scared-

Yn: You think this is fear...? It's not. This... Is RAGE!

Bob: Why are you angry?

Yn:(deep inhale)


Yn: Did you win the game?

Mick: Of course. Who do you think we are?

Yn: Then I feel better.

Bob: You did not answer the question.

Yn: It doesn't matter. It's over. Let's focus on the games.

Bob: What's over?

Yn: My battle with Lucifx. It's what you all wanted, right?

Lisa: You won't duel him again?

Yn: With an advanced Gear to my specifications and my Skill, I only managed to tie with Lucifx.

Yn: Which means I cannot defeat Lucifx without a Lucifx of my own.

Yn: Thus... I'm done. There is no point risking my life with no chance at victory.

Felicia: W-wait... Are you... Giving up?

Yn:(shrugs) If you want to call it that.

Yn: From now on, we'll avoid him and let him kill off whatever pilot he likes.

Mick: Let...?

Yn: You're right, "let" is too strong of a word. It implies we could do something.

Yn: We can't.

Lisa: Yn! Don't talk like that!

Mick: She's right, you can't just give up!



Yn:(shakes head) And I had just calmed down...

Yn: I've been fighting Lucifx for well over a year, in a manner of ways.

Yn: I am not wasting any more time. Either provide me with an equally powerful Gear or be silent.

Trying to exit, Yn finds Lisa continuing to hold his hand tightly.


Lisa: I'm sorry... It's just I worry about you.

Felicia: We all do.

Mick: And we don't like what you're hiding.


Yn: Ask Bella. Because I'm not in a talking mood.

Breaking free of Lisa's grip, Yn leaves, glaring at Bella who was leaning against the wall outside the hotel room.

Before they can chase him, Bella enters the room.

Bella: Yikes! I feel like I have to pay for therapy for you all.

Mick: All of us?

Bella: Yep.

Felicia: Why did he say we should ask you?

Bella: Oh, It's probably because I figured it out... No biggy.

Lisa: Figured what out?

Bella: Yn was the test pilot for Lucifx. And the AI was developed around his brain patterns.

Bella:(grinning) Lucifx IS Yn.


Mick: Is that why he's so moody? Another him is causing a muck?

Felicia: Wait. What proof do you have of this?

Bella: Watch the battle between the two and you'll see...

Bella:(Smirks) They're the same.

Bella: Only difference is that Lucifx is superior. And Mister Nexer is cursed to know he's inferior.

Mick: How is he better than Helix? They tied, didn't they?

Bella: Must I dump more exposition?

Bella: How many times do you think they fought? And how much did it take to get this far?

Bella: And after everything, Lucifx instantly repaired himself and fought the Solar family.

Bella: I don't know about you, but that... Would kinda suck.

Bella: But what does it matter? I'm not here to manipulate you all into doing anything.

Bella: I'm here to announce a few upgrades! Since Neon isn't going to be in tippy toppy shape by the time we reach the next planet...


(Ending theme)

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