Chapter 14: First impressions

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So, he decided to pay close attention to this pink haired enigma. And she did not disappoint him at all.


"I have nominated Team 7 to partake in this year's Chunin Exams which will be hosted by Konoha." Kakashi gave a smile to his little team of genins as he looked up from the book. Naruto, who at first was shocked by this statement, tackled the Copy-nin in a bear hug. Kakashi gave the blonde a tiny head pat as he conveyed his immense joy to his sensei.

Just any small acknowledgement of him can make him this happy. Kakashi thought sadly, the loneliness this boy had to endure was unimaginable. He was too much of a coward to face this bright ball of sunshine purely because of Minato and Kushina.

And Obito.

Kakashi looked at the expressions of the genins before him. Sasuke whose face would normally be adorned with a scowl, now had a tiny smile on. His eyes held a fire of challenge and excitement. Sakura appeared surprised when he turned to look at her, however she gave a large smile, her eyes sparkled with determination and another emotion in which he couldn't decipher.

The Copy Ninja's eyes blinked, the Uchiha boy replaced by an equally stoic figure, with gravity-defying silver hair and a blue mask. A brown-haired girl now stood in place of the pinkette, giving him a gentle smile. Kakashi stared at the features of Rin, and turned to face the boy who embraced him.

Spikey black hair, with a pair of goggles which he had always thought looked absurd. Bright onyx eyes and a cat-like grin that was completely unlike the typical Uchihas.

Of course, Uchiha Obito had always been special.

Kakashi blinked again, the image of Team Minato crumbled away. Team 7 now chattered amongst themselves, they bunched up together and was in the middle of a discussion.

"He's spacing out-------if we-----don't----this now, we ------- never see it!" Naruto's voice piped up, and he was met with a gentle slap on the back by Sakura who told him to be quiet.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Hmmm, what are you talking about that you want to see?" He flash stepped right next to the three, startling them, Naruto gave an animated wail.

"Sensei, we were talking about seeing new training grounds in preparation for the chunnin exams." Sakura gave a forced grin, Kakashi looked down at her right hand which pinched the waist of the orange clothed ninja, who was sweating nervously.

"Y-Yeah, Sakura-chan is right, we were talking about that, we definitely were not talking about looking under your mask..." Naruto mumbled the last part as he looked away.

Of course, Kakashi heard it, Sakura fell dramatically on the floor, and Sasuke facepalmed.


"Anyways, back to our original topic of conversation. I will need your response about entering the exam within three days, then I can officially confirm our team's attendance." He cut off Naruto, who looked like he was about to reply, "Of course, if you have already decided that is excellent. However, I still recommend careful consideration for this. After all, the Chuunin Exam is not to be taken lightly of." Kakashi looked back down to his book. Three phases that will determine the true victorious team, a battle that requires even more strategy and teamwork.

"You will be facing opponents from within Konoha, but also outside from other shinobi villages." Naruto gulped, the ninja earlier with dark circles around his pale teal eyes, the fiery red hair and the intense blood thirst that gave him goosebumps. He looked at Sakura, she didn't seem to fear that particular shinobi, so of course she will have no problem with this exam. Sasuke on the other hand looked ready, he looked like he was itching for some fights to test out his newly acquired Sharingan.

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