I missed the bus, and on my way to school it had started to rain. This entire week the forecast didn't look good, high chances of rain almost everyday. Once I finally made it, I was five minutes late to science, my hair damp and curlier than normal because of the rain. My clothes were damp too but I didn't really care, life just wasn't going my way lately.

It was embarrassing to say the least as everyone turned to look at me, mostly in confusion. Iris gave me a look, saying we should talk after class. I only gave her a slight nod before taking my seat next to Hayden. I noticed him give me a look in the corner of my eye before he whispered. "Dude, you look like shit."

I waved him off. "Don't care."

I felt his eyes burning in the back of my head but I didn't dare turn around. Trying to ignore his gaze, I focused on the random words Ms Heyward was saying about the camping trip, realising I was going to have to share a tent with Liam. There was no avoiding that and it was this week, maybe mom will be back by then.

The bell rang and I immediately went to get up until Iris stopped me. She took my hand and dragged me out of the classroom into a secluded area with no people around. "Blake, I know when something's up. You look like you're barely holding yourself together."

I shook my head as she let go of my wrist to twist her bracelet. "My mom left with Rosie and I'm not allowed to talk to Liam. My phone got taken away, I'm practically under house arrest, he took the lock off of my door and I'm not even allowed to draw anymore. Not to mention I totally missed the bus this morning because he woke me up late. I honestly don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do."

"Oh god, okay." She took a deep breath and tan her hands in her hair. "Does anyone else know?"

I nodded. "Max and Sarah."

She placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a small smile. "We'll figure it out, okay? I promise. At least the camping trip on Wednesday will get you away from him."

Smiling back, I nodded again. "Can you try to talk to Liam? I mean he won't kn-"

"He will. Trust me, he will." I sighed.

"There has to be a way for you to talk to him, surely. I mean, you're Blake and Liam."

I frowned in confusion. "What does that mean?"

"It's like if you're to provide evidence for soulmates, everyone would pick you two." She smiled.

Laughing, I removed her hand from my shoulder. "There's no such thing as soulmates."

"Maybe, but you two present a pretty convincing argument."


Hayden offered me a ride which I accepted since I didn't have work, but I knew it would be bad if I went over to his house. Dad would find out and he'd get angry since I'm supposed to be staying at the house at all times. Once Oscar dropped me off I immediately walked straight past dad in the kitchen and up towards my room, even though I could just feel his eyes boring into the back of my head. Without my phone it's kind of boring, I don't really have anything else to do besides watching TV or something, but in order to do that I'd have to go downstairs which I would desperately not like to do.

Sarah still wasn't home yet, neither was Max. Dad didn't care about them though as they've done nothing wrong. Grabbing one of my bags from under my bed, I started to fold some clothes up and pack for Wednesday, one thing I was kind of excited about. Hopefully dad will give me my phone back.

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