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The bowl was placed down on the kitchen counter as Liam sat down across from me. He was already eating his, explaining how he didn't want it to get cold whilst he was giving the other bowl to Freja. To be honest, I had no idea Liam could cook. I didn't even think he knew how to work a stove but here we are I guess. Once I had eaten it I told Liam that he did a good job and he smiled at me and ushered me to the living room so we could work on our project so we could finish sooner and I could organise everything for Rosie's birthday tomorrow.

"Blake, can you come down here please?" I heard my mother call from downstairs. Liam and I didn't get much done at his place so I was just trying to move it on a little so we wouldn't be as stressed and then that way I wouldn't have to go over to his house often or - hopefully - he wouldn't have to come to mine.

"Sure mom. Just give me a second." I quickly finished the sentence that I was writing before walking down the stairs, my smile falling as I see a sad look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"It's alright sweetheart." She ran a hand through my curls, ruffling them up a bit. I smiled at the action before embracing her into a warm hug. "It's just your father."

I raised an eyebrow, trying to cover up my concern. "Dad?"

What's wrong? Is he okay? Is he in the hospital? Is he dead? Did he do something illegal? Is he in jail?

I knew I was overthinking things but I couldn't help it. When people bring up my family or friends that way I can't help but think of all the possibilities of what happened to them, what might happen to them, or what will happen to them. Thoughts just find their way into my head and there's nothing I can do to push them out. I was about to ask more but before I could she answered first.

"It's okay, he's fine. I'm just a little disappointed in him, that's all." She sighed before opening the fridge door and taking out the carton of juice and pouring herself a glass before looking over to me and raising it in the air. "Want some?"

I shook my head before walking over to her and sitting down on one of the chairs, her doing the same opposite me. She traced the rim of the cup delicately before taking another sip and wiping her mouth.

"I'm so sorry my love, but Dad's not going to be home tonight. He's also going to be working all day tomorrow non-stop. I tried to convince him to have the day off but he wouldn't listen, said his boss wouldn't let him or something." She took a deep breath and tucked her brown curls into a knot at the top of her head, some baby hairs falling down her face a little. "He's always so busy, I swear we haven't had quality family time with him in so long."

I sat there and watched her white, painted nails clank against the glass. She was obviously nervous that I thought she hadn't tried hard enough to convince him. "So, he's not going to be here for Rosie's birthday?"

She shook her head and asked timidly, as if she was unsure I would say yes. "Will you break it to Rosie for me? I don't have the heart to see her sad face. It'll make me cry. Everyone knows you're her favorite so she might not take it as badly if she hears it from you."

I smiled faintly, before sitting up and already walking over to the staircase. "Of course. It'll be better to tell her now rather than later, okay?"

She nodded and returned the smile before sighing again and drinking the juice, leaving the glass entirely clean. I walked up the stairs before standing face to face with Rosie's bedroom door. It had a little decoration on the front with her name imprinted on it and a couple of pink butterflies scattered around her doorframe. I twisted the doorknob to see Rosie sitting on her bed, brushing her Barbie doll's blonde hair. She looked up and over to me before embracing my thigh into a tight hug. I chuckled before bending down to her height as she kissed my nose, still giggling. This was bound to hurt, my mom was right, she would not have survived.

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