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"Liam! Blake! Where are you? We have customers you know!" Kyla yelled as I almost tripped, trying to scramble away from Liam's grasp until he caught my arm and dragged me back in.

He chuckled, burying his head into my neck which for some reason brought me ease. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Liam!" I laughed, trying to push him away but he only gripped on stronger. "We're at work, you idiot."


I managed to escape him, tumbling out of the back room and into the main area. I fixed my hair before smiling at the customer. "Hi, what can I do for you?"

Since it was the day of the celebration, Liam and I just decided to wag school and drive here together to help Kyla. Usually it's Olivia and Molly who take the day shifts with her but we decided to swap.

"Can I please get an Americano with shortbread?" He replied before handing me a piece of paper with a small smile. Confused, I grabbed it and smiled back at him before turning away and preparing his coffee.

Whilst the coffee was being made, I opened the paper to see numbers written on it in neat handwriting. Did he just give me his number? I looked over at him and he smiled before raising an eyebrow and I turned away, embarrassed. Before I could do anything else, the paper was immediately snatched from my hand and I looked up to see Liam. "What's this?"

I blushed before grabbing the shortbread and tucking it into a paper bag with the tongs, placing it on the counter. I looked over at Liam to see his lips curled into a scowl as his jaw clenched. He crumpled up the piece of paper before throwing it into the trash can behind him without even looking. I called the order and the guy came back up to the counter again. As I handed him his coffee, he grabbed it with his hand on top of mine but I was soon pulled back. Liam pulled me behind him before shoving the bag into the person's hand and giving him a fake smile. "Goodbye stranger."

He looked confused as he walked away, then suddenly I was turned to face him. "Don't let any guy give you their numbers, okay?"

I chuckled before patting him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I just got lucky today."

He rolled his eyes before ruffling my hair, causing me to smile.


My phone was constantly getting spammed with texts from the group chat with my friends.

my fav lesbian 😘 - 11:43AM
blake where r u bro i thought you were coming today

ed sheeran's sister - 11:51AM
Same here!! And now I'm stuck in double english all by myself.

my sexy man - 11:52AM
stfu i'm glad he's not here for once

sofie x - 11:54AM
aww i wish he was here with us :(

I honestly didn't even know how to respond to them so I just left them all on read and shut off my phone until I felt a pair of arms sneak around my waist and hug me from behind. Does this guy crave physical affection that badly?

"Can't keep your hands off me?" I ask sarcastically. He just tightens his grip.


I chuckled before swirling around and tapping his forehead. "I'll come back to yours tonight, okay? But right now we have to do work."

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