029. future sister-in-law

Start from the beginning

"So why don't you just tell us everything? Start from the beginning." Dean tells Adam who took a shower and is in clean clothes.

"Well, I was dead and in Heaven. Except it-it, uh, kinda looked like my prom and I was making out with this girl. Her name was Kristin McGee--"

"Yeah, that sounds like Heaven. Did you get to third base?" Dean asks. Larissa flicks Dean on the head. Sam clears his throat, giving his brother a look.

"Just, uh, just keep going." Sam tells Adam.

"Well, these... these angels, they popped out of nowhere, and they tell me that I'm chosen." Adam says.

"For what?" Sam asks.

"To save the world." Adam says.

"How you gonna do that?" Dean asks.

"Oh, me and some archangel are going to kill the devil." Adam says.

"What archangel?" Dean asks.

"Michael. I'm his, uh, sword or vessel or something, I don't know."

"Ha. Dean got replaced." Larissa chuckles. She notices Sam's disapproving look. "I mean, this is a serious matter. Dean can get replaced?"

"That's insane." Dean says.

"Not necessarily." Cas says.

"How do you mean?" Dean asks.

"Maybe they're moving on from you, Dean." Cas says.

"Well, that doesn't make sense." Dean says.

"He is John Winchester's bloodline, Sam's brother. It's not perfect, but it's possible." Cas says.

"Well, you gotta be kidding me." Dean mutters.

"Why would they do this?" Sam asks.

"Maybe they're desperate. Maybe they wrongly assumed Dean would be brave enough to withstand them." Cas says.

"Alright, you know what? Blow me, Cas." Dean says.

"Look, no way. After everything that's happened? All that crap about destiny? Suddenly the angels have a plan B? Does that smell right to anybody?" Sam asks.

"You know, this has been a really moving family reunion, but, uh, I got a thing, so--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no, no, no." Sam stops him. "Sit down. Just listen, okay? Please."

"It's unbelievable." Adam mumbles.

"Now, Adam... the angels are lying to you. They're full of crap." Sam says.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Adam says.

"Really? Why not?" Sam asks.

"Um, cause they're angels." Adam says like it's obvious.

"They tell you they were gonna roast half the planet?" Sam asks.

"They said the fight might get pretty hairy, but it is the devil, right? So we got to stop him." Adam says.

"Yeah, but there's another way." Sam says.

"Great. What is it?" Adam asks.

"We're working on the power of love." Dean remarks.

"How's that going?" Adam asks.

"Not great." Dean smiles.

"Look, Adam... you don't know me from a hole in the wall, I know. But I'm begging you. Please, just trust me. Give me some time." Sam says.

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