Chapter 22

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Guys I'm so sry for not posting in a while i promise I'm gonna try to keep up on it I swear  also sry it's kinda a long chapter n heads up the chapters are gonna b longer than they normally r bc I feel like short chapter r kinda pointless n I never know how to end them. Anyway enjoy 😊 hope u like it also if you guys have any ideas please let me know I'm running out of things to write abt I need a jump start 😁

I get up taking a shower and getting dressed putting on a black skirt and white crop top with long sleeves with my high top black and white converse and u put my hair in a high ponytail and head down stairs to eat breakfast.
Y/n: "morning mom"
I grab my bowl and cereal and make me a bowl sitting down and I start to eat it
Mom: "morning sweetheart how'd you sleep"
Y/n: "good actually how about you"
Mom: "yea I actually got some good sleep.... But I work a double today so I'm gonna be home late just make dinner for yourself ok"
I nod my head finishing off my cereal
Mom: "why are you up so early anyway" she says leaning against the counter wrapping her hands around her coffee mug taking a sip
Y/n: "oh ummm.... I've just got somethings to sort out this morning"
I look over at the clock 9:42am. Wow it is kinda early I normally don't wake up till 11 on the weekends. I walk over putting my bowl in the sink and grabbing my keys heading for the door
Y/n: "see you later mom love you"
Mom: "by love you"
I head out the door getting in my car heading to Ed's place.
I don't even know where I'm going to start. Should I start with how I'm feeling mentally, emotionally or how I feel toward him. FUCK I don't know.
Before I know it I'm pulling into Eddie's trailer park and knocking on his door. No one answers so knock again. Still no answer. I guess it is kinda early. I head back to my car and I was about to get in and I hear the front door of the trailer open and turn around and see Eddie standing in just his boxers rubbing his eyes
Eddie: "hey sweetheart what's up"
I walk up to the door and stand their looking down at my fingers fiddling with them
Y/n: "hey.... Ummm... I didn't mean to wake you"
He pulls me in by my hand he leads me to his room
Eddie: "your fine... but why are you up so early it's only the weekend you know that right"
Y/n: *nods* "yeah I-I just wanted to talk to you about somethings but-it's fine we can just talk tomorrow"
I get up to walk away panicking.
Fuck fuck fuck it's now or never. I spin around real fast and start talking
Y/n: "so I just wanted to tell you that you make me a better person and you make me want to do better and I love you and sometimes I feel like-"
But I get cut off before i could finish
Eddie: "woah woah clam down I don't even understand half the stuff you just said slow down y/n you don't have to be scared to talk to me ok"
I nod my head slowly walk over to his bed sitting down and he crouched down in front of me placing his hands on my knees. I take a deep breathe in and then out
Y/n: "I just wanted to tell you that u make me a better person and you make me want to be a better person and I love you. You make me crazy but in a good way and you make me feel like it's just you, me and the world when we're together and nothing can rip us apart. But also sometimes I feel like I'm a burden in you life and you don't want me around. You make me do stupid things and sometimes I feel like I'm to much"
I look up from his hands and he's just staring at me saying nothing and we stay like that for a good 30 seconds but it felt like 30 minutes
Eddie: "y/n. Your not a burden in my life your the love of my life and if you weren't in my life I don't think I would be here... and yea when we're together  the whole world  disappears and it's just me and you, you make me do stupid things but that's what happens when two people are deeply in love with each other. And if you must know I will always want you around I want to be around you 24/7."
I think now might be a good time to bring up what I saw yesterday. I chew my bottom lip and start messing with his rings on his finger
Eddie: "hey what's up"
I lifts my chin up with one hand making me look up at him levering one hand in my knee so I can still fiddle with his rings
Y/n: "I-I you know what never mind it doesn't matter"
Eddie: "no y/n tell me you can ask me anything and I'll tell you the truth"
I nod bitting the inside of my cheek
Y/n: "did you kiss Chrissy Cunningham"
His eyes widen in shock and he gets up off his knees
Eddie: "what? What are you talking about?"
Y/n: "yesterday. When I came looking for you because you hadn't showed up to class and it had been 15 min I thought something might have happened so I went to look for you and I saw you with Chrissy behind your lock and she said I quote "I never kiss and tell" so what was that about"?
He sits next to me in the back and I turn my body to face him
Eddie: "it's not what you think. But I can't tell you what it really is"
Y/n: "what do u mean you can't tell me what it really is! WHY CANT YOU!"
I get up from the bed standing infront of him hands on my hips and he reaches for my hands but I shove them in my pockets
Eddie: "it's complicated"
He stands up coming close to me but I back up putting my hand on his chest
Y/n: "don't."
It's silent. And I'm thinking about what I should say next think my words carefully
Y/n: "please Eddie tell me it's not what I think it is please."
Eddie: "no. It's not. Their is nothing going on between me and Chrissy I swear"
Y/n: "but you can't tell me and it's complicated"
Eddie: "yes. Can we please just lay down I was up all night last night and I'm so tired"
I nod my head I believe him because he's never lied to me. He takes off his shirt and pants climbing under the blankets and pats next to him signaling for me to come lay next to him so I kick my shoes off crawling next to him under the blanket. He pulls me close and throws his arm over my waist and I just sit there staring and eventually I feel myself drift to sleep

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