Chapter 2

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*the car ride home*
Mom: "so how was your junior year honey?"
I continue looking out the window watching all the trees and houses go by
Y/n: "it was fine"
Mom: "did you make any friends or sports teams.... do you do anything new?"
I know she is just trying to make conversation but honestly I don't feel like talking right now my head is aching and my face hurts form being smacked flak hard but I haven't see her in a while so I guess a little conversation won't hurt
Y/n: "no not really I mean I had one friend that's it but everything has been going good."
I say lying to her because I don't want her to know the truth about what I really did this summer
Mom: "well I'm just glad your doing better and not doing drugs or getting into anymore trouble... I can't wait to tell everyone the news." She says with excitement
I just nod and continue stairing out the window
20 minutes later
Once we got home I went straight to my room I open then door an md see that everything is still left the way I had it nothings been moved or touched
Dad: "left it just the way you had it your mom on the other hand wanted to come and rearrange somethings but I don't her not to."
Great the one person I am not excited to see. I turn around and see my dad
Y/n: "yea I can see that"
Dad: "how have you been?"
Y/n: "good"
I lie to him also
Dad: "yea your mom told me the good news... I'm happy for you."
Y/n: "mmh" I say rolling my eyes
Since when is he ever happy for me he's never happy for anyone in this family but himself
Y/n: "well I'm tired and had a long night last night I thing I'm just going to rest since you know school is in like two days so summer will be over yea know."
Dad: "oh yea your right."
I turn and walk away closing the door behind me I set my bags down and fall back on my bed I really wanna smoke right now but I'm trying to do better for the sake of my mother.
Fuck it... I get up and go in the top of my closet feeling around for a box once I feel it I pull it down and open it up seeing my only stash of weed left. So I will just smoke the rest of this then I'm done truly done. I walk over to my door locking it and roll the blunt and start smoking it. It's only been about 5 minutes and I already feel high once I finish off the blunt I get up and open my window to air it out spraying some air freshener. I lay back on my bed and pass out.
I wake up and look at the clock on my dresser 10pm I realize my headache is gone but I'm super hungry so get up and go down stairs to grab some food and I see my dad leaning against the counter top
Dad: "what are you doing up this late?"
Y/n: "just hungry wanted some snacks"
Walking down the stairs into the kitchen and grab some snacks i open the pantry door and look on the shelf to see my favorite chips I have to get in my tippy toes because I can't reach them
Y/n: "shit come on"
Then I feel someone come close up behind me and wrap their hand around my waist pulling me closer to them and then they grab the chips and I see the arm and realize it's my dad
Y/n: "what the fuck get off me."
I try to break free from his grip but it just tightened. He drops the bag of chips and now with his free hand he moves it to the hem of my shorts
Dad: "your mother won't give me what I want so maybe you will." He says whispering in my ear
Y/n: "dad stop please."
I try once again to get free but it doesn't work then I feel his hand slip in my underwear starting to make a circular motion on my clit
Y/n: "I SAID FUCKING STOP!!!" I scream then I take my hand putting it up to his face scratching down his cheeks causing him to yell and step back giving me the chance to run. So I do and head up the stairs slam my door shut and lock it. I hear glass break down stairs making me jump. I walk over and grab my phone my hands are shaking and I'm trying to catch my breath I start to dial Steve's number. But why am I calling him he might do something but I don't want him to get hurt and it be my fault. Right as I decide to call him he calls me
Steve: "hey y/n did I wake you?"
Y/n: "no" I say with a shaky voice
Steve: "oh ok"
And I can tell he no really worried and doesn't really care or sound interested in me telling him by the way he is talking I take a deep breath because I really wanna tell him but I know he probably won't believe me he'll think I'm drunk or high and hallucinating
Steve: "y/n?"
Y/n: "yea sorry.... What where you calling about though?"
Steve: "oh... I was calling to ask about the date you never got back to me so I figured you just blew me off"
Y/n: "oh no I didn't I was just so tried when I got home that I fell right asleep I didn't even unpack my things because I was so tired I just had a long day yesterday I'm so sorry Steve I completely forgot about it."
Silents falls over the line and I can tell he is try not to get mad at me because he said he was going to work on himself to while I was away. Because he tends to get mad at me for the slightest things I do.
Steve: "no your ok... how about tomorrow then around 6 I'll come get you."
Y/n: "yea sounds good."
Steve: "ok see you then love ya"
And I hang up the phone. I'm not gonna say I love you back when I don't even know if I do anymore because my feelings towards Steve have really changed over the summer I just don't want to hurt him though because I've know him since we were both 6. I sit down on my bed crying until I eventually fall asleep

The Light to my Fire~Eddie Munson :)/y/n Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin