Chapter 19

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I wake up to see Eddie sitting on the edge of the bed shirtless with his guitar so I get up and sit behind him so my legs are on either side of his legs and I wrap my arms around him putting my chin on his shoulder and he kisses my arm
Y/n: "I could get used to seeing this first thing when I wake up"
I kiss his cheek and he lays his head back on my shoulder
Eddie: "I could get used to see you first thing in the morning to darling"
He kisses my neck and gets up so I get up and put my underwear back on and throw on his hellfire shirt it's a bit big but I don't mind. I like the way it smells. A little bit like cigarettes and his cologne.
Y/n: "so what are we gonna do today Mr.Munson"
He walk up to me wrapping his arms around me from behind
Eddie: "well my lady that all depends on you.... I take it we're not going to school today"
Shit I completely forgot about school
Y/n: "eehh I don't feel like going"
He comes around my body so he's now standing infront of me facing me and grabs my hands
Eddie: "how about we go on a real date tonight just the two of us"
Y/n: "I'll have to think about it first" I say with a smirk
I think about it
Y/n: "yes Edward Munson I would love to go on a date with you"
He smiles and picks me up spinning me around a couple times then setting me down kissing me
Y/n: "so.... What does this make.... us" I ask looking down fiddling with my fingers
He grabs my chin making me look up at him
Eddie: "well this makes you my girlfriend"
I get butterflies in my stomach
Y/n: "and it makes you my boyfriend"
He smiles at the words I say and kisses me
Eddie: "hear I have something for you now that your officially I'm girlfriend"
He pulls one of his rings off his finger and slides it on my but it just falls back off
Y/n: "wow Munson you've got some big fingers"
Eddie: "but I use them for good things" he looks at me smirking
Y/n: "Eddie!" I playfully push his shoulder
Eddie: "just saying"
I just smile at him
Y/n: "I have an idea do you have like a spare necklace chain"
Eddie: "kinda weird but I actually do"
He walks over to his dresser going through his drawers
Eddie: "got it!"
He hands it to me and I put the ring on the chain
Y/n: "help me put it on"
I turn around and lift my hair and he puts the necklace on me and I hear it clip in. I turn and look at him. He looks so happy.
Y/n: "I love you"
Eddie: "I love you too"
Y/n: "don't say too it sounds like you agreeing with me"
He raises his hands like he's surrendering and grabs my hand and leads me out to the kitchen
Y/n: "where's Wayne"
Eddie: "oh he said he had another business thing also he told me the other day that he's moving out and leaving the place to me"
I look at him surprised
Eddie: "I know right"
Y/n: "so that means your gonna have to get a job to pay the bills because your little deals won't be enough.... You know that right"
He scrubs his hand over his face and sighs
Eddie: "yes I know that's the one things I'm dreading"
I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck
Y/n: "hey don't worry I'll help you out if you need it that just means I'm gonna need to get a job and I need one anyway we're going to be graduating this year and I wanna move out of my moms and I need to be able to support us"
He looks at me with a smirk and a raised brow
Eddie: "us huh"
Y/n: "yes US Eddie Munson... boop" I say as I push on his nose
I turn around and grab eggs and bacon out the fridge
Y/n: "do you have any potatoes"
He walks over the the pantry and grabs a bag of potatoes
Y/n: "ok can you cut those up in small squares for me"
So he does and do get the eggs and bacon going once everything is done I pop some toast in the toaster and pour us some orange juice in our cups. I set the table and walk to Eddie's room to see him playing some strings on his guitar I lean up against the door frame and just watch him
Eddie: "you know it's weird to stick people right"
He looks at me and smiles
Y/n: "you know it's weird to jerk off and fantasize about me WHILE you jerk off" I say
He looks up at me and smirks putting his guitar down coming up to me wrapping his hands around my waist
Eddie: "what do you mean.... I could have been fantasizing about anything"
Y/n: "mmmhhh.... Just admit it you missed me"
He puts his head down in embarrassment
Eddie: "I missed you"
Y/n: "huh I know you did... but theirs no need to be ashamed of what you did everyone has done it before" I say patting his chest
He looks up a me with a devilish grin on his face
Eddie: "have you ever touch yourselif thinking about me"
I feel my cheeks get hot
Y/n: "ummmm a-actually I haven't I-I've never touched myself before" I say looking down fiddling with his rings.
He pulls my chin up so I'm looking at him
Eddie: "it's ok.... You don't have to be embarrassed.... It will happen sometime trust me everyone does it eventually I just hope you thinking about me when you do it.... But just know it will never feel as good as when I do it" he winks at me and walks into the kitchen
I stand there for a minute kinda in shock that we just talk about touching ourselves then I turn and head to the kitchen to see him sitting down at the table
Eddie: "breakfast smells delicious darling"
I sit down and grab the ketchup off the table putting it on my eggs
Y/n: "you should teach me how to play sometime" I say as I take a bit of my eggs
Eddie: "yea then maybe you can be apart of my band"
Y/n: "I don't think your friends would like that"
Eddie: "oh they wouldn't mind trust me"
We eat our breakfast and talk having a good morning once we get done eating we both take showers and get dressed for the day
Eddie: "gotta make a run sweetheart see you in a bit... breakfast was amazing" he kisses my head before he walks out the door
Y/n: "be safe please"
Eddie: "oh you know I always am" he says before he shuts the door and I hear his van start and he pulls off

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