Chapter 5

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I wake up with a blanket over me and I'm layed back on the couch. I get this sudden feel that I need to throw up so I jump up and head toward the back of the trailer trying to find the bathroom before I throw up everywhere eventually I find it and I puke my guts out into the toilet. When I'm done I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and notice Eddie standing in the doorway
Eddie: "hey you ok... do you want something for that." He said nodding toward the toilet
Y/n: "yea... also do you have an extra toothbrush or something."
He hands me a toothbrush and I look at it
Eddie: "don't worry princess it's clean... never been used." He says winking at me the walking away
I brush my teeth and look at the time on the stove 6:15am. Shit my parents are gonna be waking me up in 15 minutes for school
Y/n: "Eddie right." I say slipping my shoes back on as he walks out his bedroom
Eddie: "yeah"
Y/n: "do you think you can get me home in 15 minutes before my parents wake up... if not I can just run home."
Eddie: "oh no... no need you won't make it in time if you run depending on how far you live from here which I'm guessing it isn't close by... but let me guess you snuck out and now your parents are going to freak out if your gone."
Y/n: "yes so can we get going please."
So we getting going after I tell him where to go about 10 ten minutes later we pull to my house and he parks out front I look at the time 6:25am. 5 minutes left I look over at Eddie who is already looking at me then he looks away
Y/n: "you know I had a good time last night... I haven't actually told anyone about my summer and why I am the way and I am and why I do the things I do... but I am trying to get better."
He looks back at me and it gives me butterflies
Eddie: "well I'm glad you have me to talk to and I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend.... but you should probably get inside before you parents flip out on you."
I look at the time and see I have 2 minutes so I jump out the car and wave by as I climb up the ladder and get inside and I turn around to the window and I notice he's still there
Eddie: "see ya around princes." He yells before he pulls off giving me more butterflies in my stomach and making me smiles I shut the window and pull the chair out from under the handle of my door and unlock it and jump in bed and play asleep just as the door opens and I hear footsteps approaching my bed and a hand on my shoulder
Mom: "hey y/n... y/n honey it's time to wake up." She taps on my shoulder lightly and I roll over playing like I'm still tired
Y/n: "come on just 10 more minutes please."
Mom: "no.. that's what you always do then your always late for school because of it now I don't want to have to come back in here again." She says heading out the door. I get up and take a shower putting on some clothes and light make up once I'm done I head down stairs and eat breakfast.
Once I'm done with all that and some other things I look at the clock 8:10am
Y/n: "are you taking me to school or do I have to walk."
I did have a car but they took it from me when I stated to use for inappropriate things is what they call it I just call it riding around getting high snd drunk but it's whatever
Mom: "no I'm not and you don't have to walk."
She says pulling keys out from her purse
Mom: "take your car and have a great first day of your senior year but you come straight home after school ok."
I look at her kinda surprised. I mean I am grounded after all I didn't think I was going to get my car back any time soon but I take them and head out the door not giving her a chance to change her mind. I bc get to school and park heading inside and grabbing my schedule from the front desk heading to my fist class which I have some trouble finding until some girl with short dirty blonde, brownish comes up to me and ask if I need help
Y/n: "yea I do actually it's my first year here"
Girl: "woah your a freshman I would of thought you were a senior or something."
Y/n: "oh definitely not I'm a senior but I just moved here from Oklahoma it's my first year here."
Girl: "oh ok... my names robin by the way" and she looks at me
Y/n: "y/n... nice to meet you robin."
We continue talking while she helps me find my first class and we actually have it together so we take our seats all the way in the back closest to the window. And the teacher gets to talk. And we all introduced ourselves and you the normal and get to work on our fist project. Then there is a knock on the door getting everyone's attention and the teacher gets up and opens it
Teacher: "ahhh nice to see you Mr.Munson would you mind joining us today."
Munson why does that sound so familiar. Then he walks in. That's the guy I stayed with last night I didn't know he went here out of all the talking we did he never once told me he came to this school. I did know he was a senior but not here. He looks right at me and comes back and takes a seat next to me
Eddie: "hey"
Y/n: "hey" I say nervously
Robin looks at me and shakes her head so I turn toward her
Y/n: "what"
Robin: "don't he's the school freak and no one likes him trust me you won't either he's a drug dealer. He's bad news that's all I'm saying."
She turns her attention back to her work and so do I. Out of all the things we talk about last night he never once mentioned he was a drug dealer but hey who am I to complain I do drugs myself which I really need to cut back on and for real this time.

The Light to my Fire~Eddie Munson :)/y/n Where stories live. Discover now