Chapter 1

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NOTE: just so you guys are aware I kinda wrote this book being in the 21st century didn't really think abt putting it in the 80's 🤦🏽‍♀️ my bad guys also this book is only somewhat proof read but not all the way through
Anyway enjoy my Edhoes ❤️😝

I walk inside the house drunk as ever and shutting the door behind trying to be quite so my uncle doesn't here me then I stumbling over the shoe rack by the door that I forgot was their once I regain my balance I head up stairs to my room
Uncle: "get your ass back here right now!"
I ignore him and continue walking up the steps causing myself to trip
Y/n: "SHIT!"
Uncle: "why the hell are you coming in my house so late.....are you fucking drunk?"
I stand up and turn around looking him dead in the eyes
Y/n: "it's summer time for one and for two so what if I am I have had a rough year with you... your always on my ass 24/7 I never get to do anything anymore... you keep me trapped in here like I'm in some type of prison or something.... So yea I snuck out and got a little drunk." I say with all the breath I had left in me
Then he comes up the stairs and grabs my face squeezing it super hard so I'm probably gonna have a mark on my face tomorrow
Uncle: "you know what y/n.... I've put up ENOUGH of you and your bullshit... I brought you here so you could get better not get worse so honestly you can go back with your fucking slut of a mother that you have."
A tear rolls down my cheek because I hate it when he gets mad because sometimes if he gets to mad he'll hit me that's also a reason why I spiralled down even further than I was before because he is an abuser just like his brother
Y/n: "you know what.. Kevin I fucking hate you and I always have and you wonder why my mom cheated on your sick brother because he a bitch and likes to beat on women just like yo-"
But before I could finish I felt his hand connect with my left cheek causing my face to sting and I put my hand on my cheek
Y/n: "and I thought you were getting better but i guess some things never change around here do they"
I storm up the stairs and get to my room and before I shut the door I look down at him and he is still staring at me
Y/n: "fuck you.... Your a coward and it's no wonder no one wants you because your a bitch."
And I slam the door shut and lock it. I then hear his foot steps coming up the stairs and I walk over to my dresser where I keep my phone and clock I grab my earbuds and pop them in my ears putting a song on look at the time 2:34am I knew it was late but I didn't think it was that late. I turn the song on full blast and put my back against the door and I feel the thudding of his banging on my door and I lay my head back and let the tears roll down my cheeks.
Yea he's right I did come here to start over and get a better life but it's no my fault I have no friends and I get bullied and I'm top of all that I have to come home to a shit as uncle who hits me when I say the wrong things. So yea all that and more has made me fall down even further into my miserable life. I eventually fall asleep on the door and when I wake up I'm slumped over and my neck hurts. So I get up and go to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror see a bruise forming on my cheek and I touch it and wince at the pain I walk out the bathroom and change into shorts and a t-shirt and go to sleep.
I wake up to the sound of banging on my door and a huge headache I rub my fingers over my temples
Y/n: "WHAT!" I say in a groggy voice still half asleep
I mumble under my breath and tell him to fuck off so I get up and brush my teeth and start packing my things when I get a phone call and notice it's Steve calling me. But why is he calling and we haven't spoken in like weeks
Y/n: "hello"
Steve: "hey sweetheart I heard your coming back?"
Y/n: "yea I can't deal with my shit head of an uncle anymore and he can't deal with me so he's shipping me back to Hawkins where all of this shit started but I guess I'm going to go to therapy and stuff to get better even though I really don't want to."
Steve: "oh ok well maybe when you get here you'll be up for some dinner and a movie since you know.... you've been gone for a while?"
Seriously did he not just here what I said he just completely blew me off but that's what he does only cares about himself I just told him I'm going to try and get better and he's worried about dinner and a movie
Y/n: "yea maybe I don't know."
Steve: "ok love you."
I hesitate before I say anything then I tell him I love him and hang up the phone though I'm not actually sure if I meant it or not. So I finish packing my things just in time as my mom walks through the door
Mom: "oh my god honey what happened to your face?"
She comes up to me and cups my cheek and I see my uncle standing in the door way giving me a look telling me not to tell the truth
Y/n: "oh nothing I just got hit in the face with a ball the other day it's fine though really."
Mom: "oh I'm sorry to hear that... well let's go then I'm glad your finally ready to come home I was so excited when your uncle text me this morning telling me the good news and that you were ready to come home."
Good news what good news? And I didn't not tell him that I was ready to go home he is just sending me off because he's a dick and he's sick of me. I smile at her and head for the door grabbing my things once I get down their stairs I see my uncle standing by the door with a smirk on his face.
I flip him the bird and walk off heading to the car

The Light to my Fire~Eddie Munson :)/y/n Where stories live. Discover now