Chapter 16

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Mom's pov:
I head down stairs wondering what the hell she was gonna say to me and I start crying.  It's gotten so bad I thought she was doing good. She told me that Eddie was her reason for slowing down on the drugs and stopping in the drinking then I come home to that last night.
I hear a loud thud come from up stairs but I pay it no mind and sit down to watch some tv to get what just happened off my mind I notice about 5 minutes later it's super quiet. To quiet. So I go up to her room and try to open the door. It's locked so I take a bobby pin out my hair and unlock it. I try to push it open but it doesn't budge so I try again. She must have that stupid chair blocking the door. I know what to do. I go outside around to her window and climb up her ladder and open her window. I step inside and see her laying on the floor with vomit all over herself and the floor I walk up to her and kneel down
Mom: "y/n"
I shake her but she doesn't answer so I roll her over
Mom: "y/n!"
I check her breathing and notice she's not breathing
Mom: "omg, y/n!"
I move her to the bed and grab her phone dialing 911
911: "hello this is 911 what's your emergency"
Mom: "yes my daughter I-I think well I don't know for her but she's not breathing so I think she might have over dosed! I NEED HELP RIGHT NOW!"
911: "just clam down and tell me where you live"
So I tell her and about 5 minutes later the paramedics arrive and take her to the hospital and on the way they try to give her CPR and a bunch of other things we get their and they take her inside
Nurse: "ma'am I'm gonna need you to stay in the lobby for now and we will let you know the news"
The nurse looks over to an officer and he nods walking my way and the nurse runs off after my daughter i try to follow her back but the doors locked
Officer: "ma'am I'm gonna need to to calm down"
I take a couple of breaths and walk over sitting down in a chair feeling like I'm about to pass out
The officer follows me
Officer: "does she have anyone that may need to know what's going on like another legal guardian or maybe someone important to her like a boyfriend or girlfriend"
Mom: "no she doesn't have either of those"
Officer: "ok well then your just gonna have to wait here and stay calm and the nurses will get back with you as soon as they can"
He walks off standing over by the doors
Wait. Eddie. Oh my god Eddie would want to know even is y/n is mad at him or whatever may have happened between them he would still wanna know. I grab y/n phone out my pocket and look for Eddie's contact. And press call. It goes straight to voicemail. So I try again but this time it rings twice then goes to voicemail so whatever happened between them she must have said something for them not to be on good terms. I was going to call her other friends but I don't think they know about her drug addiction and I don't think she wants them to know.
After about 15 minutes or so the nurse walks out and I get up walking to her
Nurse: "ok do you want the good or bad news first"
My heart sinks when I hear there's bad news
Mom: "good then bad"
She takes deep breath and I can tell it's not good
Nurse: "so we got her to start breathing.... now she's not fully breathing by herself but there is an machine doing a little for her also she is just a little brain dead but she does have some brain function on her left side hopefully he right will start working soon or her whole brain and body will just completely shut down.... now I've never seen anything like that so is doctors and nurses are running all the test we can.... now the bad is she's hasn't woken up yet so we think she might be in a coma"
My heart sinks at the words I hear and I start blaming it all on myself because of everything I put her through and if I would have just left her alone she would have been fine
Mom: "can I see her yet"
Nurse: "yes and only one person at a time is anyone else coming"
Mom: "no just me
The nurse takes me back to her room. I walk in and the nurse closes the door leaving just me in the room with y/n and their she is. Laying in a hospital bed looking like she just died then came back. I walk next to her pulling a chair up grabbing her hand and I see her chest rise and fall ever so slightly. Thank god.
Mom: "oh my god y/n I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through. I know you can't hear me but I love you and I promise it's going to get better and hopefully after this you will consider getting some help, all I want is what's best for you honey"
I fell a tear roll down me cheek and I didn't notice I was crying until now
The nurse wakes me and I look at the clock on the wall 11:30am.  I walk down stairs and get me some breakfast I decided to get y/n something hopping she'll be awake when I get there. I still haven't heard anything from Eddie and I'm not telling her father for obvious reasons. I get up stairs and eat my breakfast setting y/n's on the table next to her. The nurse walks in
Nurse: "so I have some amazing new for you mom"
I nod my head ready to hear it
Nurse: "so the right side of you daughters brain started showing some activity last night around 11 but I was already gone and the other nurse on duty wanted me to deliver the new because I am your nurse after all. Now we still don't know when and if she will wake up from this coma soon but we are still running test to find out."
I get up and huge the nurse and I can tell I caught her off guard
Mom: "thank you so much" I sniffle and wipe my nose with a Kleenex
Nurse: "don't thank me thank your daughter she's a real fighter" she walks out the room closing the door behind her
Steve! Oh my gosh I completely forgot about him   
I decide to call Steve and tell him what's going on because last I heard the were on good terms
Steve: "y/n"
Mom: "no it's y/m/n (your moms name)"
Steve: "oh hey mrs. y/l/n, how are you"
Mom: "I'm could be better, but I was calling to tell you that y/n is in a coma and she's been it a coma since Sunday night. She OD Sunday after we had got into this big argument she locked herself in her room  and took to much Xanax and she had weed on top of that... it's just a lot to explain I'll explain the rest when you get here that is if your coming"
Steve: "yes! Yes I'm on my may now!"
About 20 minutes later Steve walks in the door I get up and hug him
Mom: "thanks for coming"
He walks over to y/n and looks so sad so I tell him everything that happened and what the nurses have told me
Steve: "I'm just glad she's ok and breathing"
Mom: "me too"
Steve: "can I have a mowing her please"
I nod and walk out the room closing the door sitting in a chair about 10 minutes later he tells me I can come back in we talk for a while. I eventually fall asleep and wake up at about 6:30pm and see that Steve is still awake watching her. I can tell that he's still in love with her by the way he looks at her. And he's stayed up watching her.
Mom: "you still love her don't you"
Steve's eyes shoot up to mine and he takes a minute to answer
Steve: "yea"
Mom: "now I don't know what happened between you two but all I know is that you really hurt her... now it's none of my business... but I would try to win her back."
Steve: "I-I don't know if that's even possible because when we went out the other day to the movies we got into this big argument because she's already moving on with that fucking freak of a kid Eddie."
He runs his hands through his hair
Mom: "yea Eddie.... He's a sweet kid... but if you really love her you will do whatever it takes to get her back"
We talk for a while and around 9 or so he leaves planting a kiss on her forehead before he leaves and  giving me a hug
Mom: "remember what I said ok.... I don't think that Eddie kid is good for her because he does drugs so he's a bad influence on her"
I put my hand on his shoulder and kiss his cheek and he nods his head and walks out I turn the tv on and watch tv until I fall asleep

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