
(Meanwhile, at the Newtopian Colosseum...)

"Now, you listen closely, Newbie." A newt started, talking to the young newt walking beside him. They were headed to a specific cage, carrying a bucket of meat.

They were away from the main arena, in the corridors heading toward where their prisoners and animals were kept.

They passed a few guards as they exited, but never noticed one of them following them from a distance. A beat-up looking toad, who looked like he lived through many battles.

"When we feed it, we have to check to make sure it's always locked. That it's shut tight. We CANNOT leave it opened." The newt continued. The newbie rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, you've already told me like, what? Six times? I got the message." He complained. The older of the two shook his head.

"You better. If this thing gets out, it'll eat anything and everything that moves." He explains, as they stand in front of a massive cage. Something inside growled, and a loud, slithering rustle filled the air. Red, glowing eyes opened, staring hungrily at the two newts as it slowly rose into the air, towering over the amphibians.
A scaly, clawed hand moved into the light, it's claws the size of a full-grown toad. The newbie gulped, taking a step back. This thing had to be massive!

The older of the two newts chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, there's no getting used to the size of it." He mutters. Reaching into the bucket, he pulls out a chunk of meat. He gently tosses it toward the cage, making sure to keep his distance.

It slips between the bars, and as it hit the floor, a reptile's snout could be seen snatching it up. It was covered in silver scars, telling tales of battles won and lost.

The two newts step away, and the older of the two checks his pockets for the keys. With a confirming nod, he turns to leave, and the newbie looks back and forth between the newt and the large reptile. "Wha- shouldn't you feed it more?" He asks, concerned, as he follows his teacher. The older newt shrugs. "Not my orders. All animals are underfed to make them more violent in battle. The people come to watch the Gladiators in action, not for napping at how boring it is." He explains.

The two leave, not noticing the toad from earlier that had watched the whole thing. The toad had hidden in a darkened corridor to the right, and as the newts walked by, they snatched the keys. The newts, oblivious to the missing keys, never look back.

Once they were gone, the toad stepped out from his hiding spot, walking carefully to the cage. The reptile ignores him, and is now pacing its cage silently.
The amphibian takes in a deep breath. "No turning back now..." he grumbled, placing the keys in the lock.


"....and then mum threw her cane into the crab's mouth, preventing it from eating Sprig! It gave Sylvia enough time to punch its teeth in, and the crab ran away crying like a baby!" Flossie giggled, exaggerating her story. Marcy gasps, listening to the young axolotl eagerly. "Wow! You're mom sounds amazing! You're real lucky to have her!" She exclaimed.
The axolotl smiles, thinking about her mother. "Yeah, she's the best mum I could ever ask for."

The two were patrolling, and so far nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Flossie didn't mind, though. She was having fun with her new friend, and that was all that mattered to her.
They were telling each other stories of their adventures, and Flossie was in complete awe at how much good Marcy has done for Newtopia since she arrived.

"Gosh, I'm starving!" The human states, holding her stomach for dramatic effect. "Wanna grab some lunch?"
Realising that she was hungry too, the axolotl nods her head. "Yes please! What foods do they have here?" She asks. Marcy hums in thought, leading the two of them down a street. "Well...."

They were interrupted as screaming broke the relatively silent street. Marcy and Flossie immediately snap to attention, looking further ahead. Newts were running away from something, but the two couldn't see what it was.
The ground rumbled, and they glance worriedly to each other. "Um... do you guys keep giant pets in Newtopia?" Flossie asks, immediately recognising the footsteps of a large animal headed their way.

Marcy thinks for a moment, as the two run toward the danger. "I don't know about giant pets, but maybe something managed to climb over the wall...?" she mutters to herself.
A loud roar made them cover their ears, and they finally caught sight of the pest as they round a corner. It was an iguana, as large as the buildings it was climbing on top of. The buildings started crumbling under the weight, collapsing completely. Amphibians scattered from the area, and the reptile watched them hungrily, mouth agape to show sharp, pointed teeth.

Amphibia x Oc: Soul Sisters (Season 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now