"Hey! Let the lass breathe would ya! Hey, love, go sit with Robin, and I'll join you in a moment." the captain pat the top of the girls head then just pushed her towards first make Robin. Robin seems to be in a bit of dismay. 

    She looked up at him and raised a brow. "What's the matter Robin?" Robin seems to be snapped out of his trance when he's asked that, and he turns to her. "Oh... Nothing, I'm just going to talk to the captain after dinner about a proposal." The girl wanted to push for more answers but was interjected by the captain's return.

    The captain sat next to Robin. Robin tensed, and the girl relaxed in front of her motherly figure. Robin and the captain spoke quietly. The young girl sat still as people walked past her through the evening. After 30 minutes she got up, leaving Robin and Captain behind, and went to the captain's Cabin to eavesdrop on the captain's usual conversation.

    She looked around the room for a while, and rummaged through a few things. She pulled a dagger out from one of her drawers and stared at it for a moment. She then saw a gun in the same drawer, but before she could grab it she heard footsteps outside.

    She panicked and hopped into a chest that had nothing but coins in it. She opened the chest enough to view the outside, and two pairs of boots entered the room. Captain and Robin she thought. She watched the scene unfold ahead of her.

    "You wanted to speak to me Robin?" The captain spoke, they're voice calm and patient. Robin looked at the Captain in desperation. He sighed before he spoke "Yes, I wanted to walk to you about...leaving?" The Captain smiled at the word, sitting at their desk.

    Once Captain was down sitting. They continued the conversation. "Oh?" They said, Robin swallowed, "yes! I just feel as if I should get a move on considering the...the new rules you placed. I don't agree with them much." The candles lit in the room seemed to dance with warning.

    Robin sat in his usual spot, leaning into his elbows. Robin scratches his head, before he can speak again the Captain interjects. "What rule? Robin?" They rest their heels on the desk in front of them. They opened a drawer slowly as Robin responded. "The one about family. Severing the connections with friends? My fiancé is waiting for me to return. I cannot do that." He says. The captain pulls out their gun, toying with it.

    The captain nodded in understanding. "I get it. You love your fiancé as well as your friends and family. So you can't follow that rule." Robin smiles "yes! Her name is Lillian, she's the sweetest woman any man could ever meet!" The Captain shrugs nonchalantly as they stood. "Then we've come to an understanding, we'll drop you off as soon as possible." They said, and Robin couldn't help but smile.

    Robin stands as well. "Thank you for allowing me my freedom!" The Captain smiled. Toying with their gun more. They walked closer to Robin. "This is goodbye then." Robin furrowed his brows. The Captain raised they're gun. Robin gasped, reaching for his sword.

    The girl in the chest stopped breathing when a loud bang silenced any noise in the room. She was panicked when Robin fell towards the chest, she couldn't take her eyes away from the corpse in front of her. She looked up at the Captain, who was fixing their coat. The captain's eyes landed on hers.

    The girl panicked, shutting the chest instantly. Covering her mouth so that a scream wouldn't escape. She failed to hold one down as the chest was thrown open and she was ripped out of the chest without warning. She was slammed against a wall, and the gun that killed Robin was held to her neck.

    The Captain glared daggers into her. "Oh Mercy, what will I ever do with you." The girl begged immensely, almost to the point of screaming. The gun pressed harder. The girl began to cry, The Captain frowned "oh Mercy. Don't cry." They put the gun down and held the girls tight.

    She continued to cry until her eyes started to hurt. The Captain puts her down. walking over to Robin, taking off his hat and pushing it onto the girl's head. "Welcomeq . First Mate Mercy. We have a lot of work to do, starting with cleaning up this room." The Captain smiled at the little girl, then went to grab Robin's body.

    The Captain groaned as they grabbed his shoulders. "You start scrubbing, I'll make sure Robin gets home safe!" The girl stared in shock as the body was dragged out. She couldn't help but wonder if what happened actually happened.

    She did what she was told anyway. The following days were hell on her mental state. She listened and worked harder, only because she didn't want to end up like Robin. It only got worse when the Captain had bought a Robin and left it in her cabin. The girl never complained however. Just kept working. Working. And working.


    (Y/N) slept silently, moving slightly in her sleep as discomfort mocks her continuously. Jacob yawned when he walked past her. Stopping when he saw blue in his path. "Why aren't you with Maisie?" Blue licked his eye as he waddled up to Jacob.

    "No. I'm sure Maisie would like you with her." Blue rubbed his head on Jacob's Ankle. Jacob, groaning quietly, grabbed blue. Lifting him up onto his shoulder. "Just this once" he continued with his nightly task, then went to bed, blue staying with him all night.


Salt on my wounds (Jacob Holland x reader) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now