9: We All Have Our Secrets

Start from the beginning

She held up a finger. "I wouldn't say 'sorceress' is the right word." She said with a trace of amusement. "Healing magic is about all I can do now."

I raised an eyebrow and stood to my feet, grateful that there was no pain in my leg as I did so. "About?"

"We all have our secrets, Arvid." She said with a wink as she walked away. "I can't tell you everything."


"Freyja, please, I beg of you." I pleaded as she pushed me forcefully into my cell. "Try and see if I can have a nicer room."

I turned around and met her emotionless gaze. For a moment, she looked like she was going to say no, but to my surprise she sighed. "I'll see what I can do."

Then she closed the door and left me alone in silence.

I let loose an annoyed huff and sat down on my bed. It was more like sitting on a table than a bed, and it creaked obnoxiously every time I moved.

I miss... I let the thought begin but it trailed off. What did I miss? Not Midgard. Certainly not Thanos and The Other. My family no longer cared for me, so not them either.

For the first time since my arrival here, the full weight of my loneliness came crashing down on my shoulders. I had no one. No Frigga. No Thor. I was completely alone with a bunch of people who only want me for my abilities.

It was almost unbearable, and I am not a weak person by any means, but I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

Lying down on my side with my back to the door, I let them fall. One became ten and ten became an uncountable number as my misery left my soul in the form of my tears.

I wasn't sure how long I laid there, but it was long enough that by the time I was done, I was exhausted. I didn't even try to fight it as sleep claimed me.

But since my life could never be simple, uneasy dreams chased me through the night. My mother called to me from within the empty darkness of a black void.

Or maybe it was the void calling me.

I walked toward the sound of her cries. "Loki! Loki, come home! Where are you?"

"I'm here, Mother!" I answered her, the words tearing themselves free from a distinct muffling haze. "Mother, I can't find you."

"Loki!" She called again, this time farther away. I turned in frantic circles, searching desperately for any indication of her whereabouts.

But she was nowhere to be found.

I was aroused from my dreams by another, newer voice calling my name. I turned over and gazed up at Freyja's face, one eyebrow slightly raised.

"Good morning, Butter Knives." She said evenly, looking down at me. "It's time to get up."

I groaned and laid my head down on my pillow, willing her to go away but to no avail.

That was when she reached down and picked up the water bucket. "OKAY, OKAY! I'M AWAKE!" I shouted, swinging my legs quickly over the side of the cot. "Just put the bucket down!"

"You're a quick learner." She noted with mockery dripping from her voice. However, she put the pail down on the floor.

I walked over to a corner of the room and picked up my green jacket, and I was about to put it on but then something soft hit me in the back of the head.

Your Majesty - Loki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now