Part 13: We Will Find A Way

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~ Beast Boy ~

Before Raven could close the door in my face, I jammed my foot in front of the door to stop it from shutting and walked in behind her.

"There's nothing that you can do, Beast Boy! We went through every book, twice! There's no way that I'm going to be able to control my powers, ever, and you just need to accept that..." She had a look on her face like she just realised something.

"Beast Boy? Why do you want to help me so badly?" She looked at me intently, waiting for my answer. "Because you're my friend, I'd like to believe that you'd do the same for me..." I hope she bought it, I don't think that either of us is prepared for Raven to know how I really feel.

"Beast Boy... I can't tell if you're lying to me or not. But I'm going to trust that you're telling me the truth, so, thank you." She gave me a short hug before sitting down on her bed.

"Rae, I promise you that we'll find a way to get your powers under control. I can't wait to see how much things change when you start laughing at my jokes again!" I stretched out and flopped onto her bed beside her. "When did I ever laugh at your jokes?" She questioned.

"When we first met, when we were battling Starfire, you laughed at something I said and you told me that I was funny." I reminded her. "Oh, yea." She looked off at her bookshelf like she was remembering. "You were still wearing your silly doom patrol outfit." She smirked at me. Heh, she's smiling at a memory of me. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up and I turned away.

"Oh, god no, please don't remind me." The only real difference now is that I no longer wear the mask and hat, but either way, that outfit sure was strange. "And you used to have your ears covered up." She added.

"Biggest mistake ever, the ladies love the ears." I smirked cockily at her. "Sure, whatever you say Beast Boy." She rolled her eyes and moved so that she was leaning on her head board.

"Anyways! Is there anywhere else that we might find a book that might be able to help? Any ancient book stores or websites that we can go to?"

I watched her face carefully as she thought about it. "Actually, it a long shot, but there is a book store in town that has a section entirely on ancient history and I think there are a few books on mysterious gems too..."

"Yes! Let's go there, right now!" I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her all the way to the elevator before she could protest. I didn't realise it, but the whole way down the elevator and to the beach, I didn't let go of her hand.

"Beast Boy..? Beast Boy! Ugh, Garfield?" I hadn't noticed but she was trying to get my attention. "Huh? Yea Rae?" She had a small amount of pink painted on her checks.

"You can let go of my hand now..." She was staring at our somehow intertwined fingers as we stood on the beach. "Oh, yea, sorry." I let go and nervously scratched the back of my neck. "So, wanna create a platform thingy to get us over to town?" She nodded and a black circle appeared on the ground. She stepped onto it and gestured for me to join, so I took a seat on the edge of it and dangled my feet over the edge as it raised into the air and began moving towards town.

"This is cool. I've never really seen the view like this without having to flap my arms like crazy!" I hung myself upside down off of it, using my legs to keep myself from falling off. "Beast Boy, get back on properly before you fall off!"

As if trying to prove her point, she circle got smaller, making me fall off. I morphed myself into a crow and flew back up and landed on her shoulder. I jumped back off when she looked like she was about to hit me and changed back. "Was that really necessary Rae?"

"Raven!" She corrected. I wish she would just accept my nickname for her. "Whatever. To the bookstore!" I put one hand on my hip and the other was in a fist and outstretched towards the city as I yelled the command to her.

"So tempted to just trap you in a ball and go on my own..." She grumbled from under her hood. "Aww, you wouldn't do that, you'd miss me too much!" I turned into a kitten and snuggled up to her leg, giving her my huge sad eyes that seem to get her every time. Or just make her more mad, either way.

She picked me up and put me to eye level with her. "We're here, stop being a baby and come inside." She grabbed the skin on the back of my little kitten neck and dropped me onto the ground next to her. I morphed out of my kitten form and walked into the old store behind her.

"Okay, so, you check the ancient books, I'll check the gems, is that ok?" I asked her. "Yea, okay, they're over there I think." She pointed to the back of the store before walking off towards where I guess the ancient spell books were.

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