Part 12: Advantage Scaring - Day 5

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~ Raven ~

I was woken up by a light knocking on my door and the sound of laughing coming from where I'm assuming was the common room. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, by blankets crumpling up on my lap. Did I fall asleep on Beast Boy last night? Damn it, and we didn't even find anything useful.

I looked around my room and noticed that all my books were back in place. He must've cleaned up as well as tucking me in. I should thank him for that. I grabbed my cloak and threw it over my shoulders as I walked towards my door. When I opened it, I was Robbin and Starfire standing there with big smiles.

"Raven! Sorry if we woke you, but I wanted to ask you something?" Both him and Starfire were wearing grins like they were up to something. "Sure." I mumbled. "Well, we wanted to know if you'd like to make some finishing touches on the party plans for tomorrow night, since we know you don't like surprises." Starfire just nodded in the background as Robbin did all the talking. "Sure." I closed my door behind me and walked out to the common room.

Those two seemed like they were hiding something, usually Star would've been overjoyed to talk to me and tell me it's my birthday tomorrow. But Robbin was right, I hate surprises, so they better not be planing to surprise me.

I began walking down the hallway to the common room to go through the plans for tomorrow. When I opened the door, the whole room was completely dark and I couldn't sense anyone else in the room. What's going on?

I stepped into the room and the door slid shut behind me, completely engulfing me in darkness. "Cyborg? Beast Boy?" I called out into the room.

"RAWR!" I heard a lion raw as two large hands came crashing down on my shoulders. Almost immediately afterwards there were multiple banging and shattering noises and all the lights flickered on. My whole body went stiff and I couldn't move, like I was paralysed. Beast Boy and Cyborg appeared in front of me, their faces red from laughing.

I immediately grew angry and a black tentacle slid out from under my cloak and slapped them both in the face, making them fall to the ground. I heard the door open and Robbin and Starfire came walking in, laughing at the two boys who were red faced and giggling on the ground.

"Hehe, sorry friend Raven, we could not resist the scaring of the birthday girl!" Starfire giggled, seeing my still horrified face. "Just be grateful I didn't scream." I growled at them all, regaining my composure. "So, uh, who's gonna replace the TV, Beast Boy or Cyborg?" I asked, looking into the lounge room area that had a broken television half hanging off of its hinges.

"I'll get right on that..." Cyborg said before heading to his room, probably to get some tools. I looked around the room again, seeing what else was destroyed. "And the stove and fridge." Beast Boy sulked before I could say anything. "You're the one that scared me, so it's your fault." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as a light pink coated his green cheeks. It was then that I realised that it was his idea.

I was about to call him an asshole, but then I remembered that star was still here and immediately closed my mouth again as I thought of something else to call him.

"Bloody grass stain." I crossed my arms over my chest, trying not to show that I was still slightly startled about earlier. "Hey! Only Cyborg gets to call me that! And besides, now I know how to scare you." He smiled triumphantly at me and it was my turn to blush, realising that he was right.

"Shut it." I pulled my hood up over my head and went to the kitchen to try and salvage up a breakfast. "Hey, Raven, maybe you should let me cook..." Robbin followed me and peered into the fridge. "Yea, that would probably be best." I sat up on a stool and waited for Robbin to make something.

"I can't believe you were in on the scare too, Starfire." I was surprised that she managed to not ruin it by telling me, or better yet, help Robbin send me towards it.

"Yes, I believe my acting was good, was it not?" She beamed, sitting to one side of me. "Yea, Star. I didn't suspect a thing." I knew that she was acting a bit off, but I had no idea about it. Now that I think about it, Robbin did actually hint that there was going to be a surprise, I just didn't think much of it at the time.

Beast Boy came and sat on my other side, still smiling about his mini victory and Cyborg came clanking into the room with a bunch of tools in his hands and proceeded to fix the television.


~ Beast Boy ~

That scare was hilarious. I can't believe we actually scared Rae. The look on her face was priceless when the lights came on, she looked completely frozen in place! Definitely doing that one again... After she has her powers under control that is. And she will have them under control, even if I have to awkwardly do it myself... Yea, she would never let that happen. A boy can dream though. That's not creepy, is it? No, it's not...

"Okay, here's breakfast everyone!" Robbin served up waffles with syrup to the three of us while cyborg got to work on the TV. "So, Rae, what's the first thing that you're gonna do when you're officially eighteen?" I asked, taking a bite of my waffle.

She just looked at me like there wasn't anything but misery when she turns eighteen. "I don't know. The same thing I do every day. Read a book, meditate, that sort of stuff." And it's official, she's given up.

"But Rae, what about-" she cut me off before I could finish. "My name is Raven, not Rae. And there's nothing that you can do anymore, remember?" She half whispered the last part, clearly not wanting the others to hear. "Wait, is there something that we're missing here?" Robbin asked with a suspicious look.

"No, it's just a silly conversation that we had, nothing to worry about." She reassured Robbin that nothing was wrong. We all are the rest of the waffles in silence and then went to do our own things. Me on the other hand, I went to go talk to Raven. I'm not letting her give up, no matter what.

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